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Le Saint Coran (Avec font lisible) > Pagina567

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69- Sourate Al-Haqqa

وَجآٰءَ فِرْعَوْنُ وَمَنْ قَبْلَهُۥ وَالْمُؤْتَفِكاٰتُ بِالْخاٰطِئَةِ٩فَعَصَوْا رَسُولَ رَبِّهِمْ فَاَخَذَهُمْ اَخْذَةً راٰبِیَةً١٠اِنّاٰ لَمّاٰ طَغَا الْمآٰءُ حَمَلْناٰكُمْ فِی الْجاٰرِیَةِ١١لِنَجْعَلَهاٰ لَكُمْ تَذْكِرَةً وَتَعِیَهآٰ اُذُنٌ واٰعِیَةٌ١٢فَاِذاٰ نُفِخَ فِی الصُّورِ نَفْخَةٌ واٰحِدَةٌ١٣وَحُمِلَتِ الْاَرْضُ وَالْجِباٰلُ فَدُكَّتاٰ دَكَّةً واٰحِدَةً١٤فَیَوْمَئِذٍ وَقَعَتِ الْواٰقِعَةُ١٥وَانْشَقَّتِ السَّمآٰءُ فَهِیَ یَوْمَئِذٍ واٰهِیَةٌ١٦وَالْمَلَكُ عَلٰٓی اَرْجآٰئِهاٰۚ وَیَحْمِلُ عَرْشَ رَبِّكَ فَوْقَهُمْ یَوْمَئِذٍ ثَماٰنِیَةٌ١٧یَوْمَئِذٍ تُعْرَضُونَ لاٰ تَخْفٰی مِنْكُمْ خاٰفِیَةٌ١٨فَاَمّاٰ مَنْ اُوتِیَ كِتاٰبَهُۥ بِیَمٖینِهٖ فَیَقُولُ هآٰؤُمُ اقْرَءُوا كِتاٰبِیَهْ١٩اِنّٖی ظَنَنْتُ اَنّٖی مُلاٰقٍ حِساٰبِیَهْ٢٠فَهُوَ فٖی عٖیشَةٍ راٰضِیَةٍ٢١فٖی جَنَّةٍ عاٰلِیَةٍ٢٢قُطُوفُهاٰ داٰنِیَةٌ٢٣كُلُوا وَاشْرَبُوا هَنٖیٓئًا بِمآٰ اَسْلَفْتُمْ فِی الْاَیّاٰمِ الْخاٰلِیَةِ٢٤وَاَمّاٰ مَنْ اُوتِیَ كِتاٰبَهُۥ بِشِماٰلِهٖ فَیَقُولُ یاٰ لَیْتَنٖی لَمْ اُوتَ كِتاٰبِیَهْ٢٥وَلَمْ اَدْرِ ماٰ حِساٰبِیَهْ٢٦یاٰ لَیْتَهاٰ كاٰنَتِ الْقاٰضِیَةَ٢٧مآٰ اَغْنٰی عَنّٖی ماٰلِیَهْ٢٨هَلَكَ عَنّٖی سُلْطاٰنِیَهْ٢٩خُذُوهُ فَغُلُّوهُ٣٠ثُمَّ الْجَحٖیمَ صَلُّوهُ٣١ثُمَّ فٖی سِلْسِلَةٍ ذَرْعُهاٰ سَبْعُونَ ذِراٰعًا فَاسْلُكُوهُ٣٢اِنَّهُۥ كاٰنَ لاٰ یُؤْمِنُ بِاللّٰهِ الْعَظٖیمِ٣٣وَلاٰ یَحُضُّ عَلٰی طَعاٰمِ الْمِسْكٖینِ٣٤

Then Pharaoh and those who were before him, and the towns that were overturned, brought about iniquity. 9They disobeyed the apostle of their Lord, so He seized them with a terrible seizing. 10Indeed when the Flood rose high, We carried you in a floating ark, 11that We might make it a reminder for you, and that receptive ears might remember it. 12When the Trumpet is blown with a single blast 13and the earth and the mountains are lifted and levelled with a single levelling, 14then, on that day, will the Imminent [Hour] befall 15and the sky will be split open—for it will be frail on that day— 16with the angels all over it, and the Throne of your Lord will be borne that day by eight [angels]. 17That day you will be presented [before your Lord]: none of your secrets will remain hidden. 18As for him who is given his book in his right hand, he will say, ‘Here, take and read my book! 19Indeed I knew that I will encounter my account [of deeds].’ 20So he will have a pleasant life, 21in an elevated garden, 22whose clusters [of fruits] will be within easy reach. 23[He will be told]: ‘Enjoy your food and drink, for what you had sent in advance in past days [for your future life].’ 24But as for him who is given his book in his left hand, he will say, ‘I wish I had not been given my book, 25nor had I ever known what my account is! 26I wish death had been the end of it all! 27My wealth did not avail me. 28My authority has left me.’ 29[The angels will be told:] ‘Seize him, and fetter him! 30Then put him into hell. 31Then bind him in a chain, seventy cubits in length. 32Indeed he had no faith in Allah, the All-supreme, 33and he did not urge the feeding of the needy, 34

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Brève description du Saint Coran disponible sur ce site.
  1. Le Saint Coran disponible sur le site compte 30 Juz.
  2. Le Saint Coran disponible sur le site compte 120 Hizb.
  3. La font par défaut du Saint Coran disponible sur le site a été conçue par l'équipe de développement de
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Versets du Coran

Sourate Al-Haqqa Coran

Hizb 114 Coran

Juz 29 Coran

Texte intégral du Coran Texte de la page du Coran 567