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The Holy Quran (With readable font) > Page37

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2- Surah Al-Baqara

وَاِذاٰ طَلَّقْتُمُ النِّسآٰءَ فَبَلَغْنَ اَجَلَهُنَّ فَاَمْسِكُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ اَوْ سَرِّحُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍۚ وَلاٰ تُمْسِكُوهُنَّ ضِراٰرًا لِتَعْتَدُواۚ وَمَنْ یَفْعَلْ ذٰلِكَ فَقَدْ ظَلَمَ نَفْسَهُۥۚ وَلاٰ تَتَّخِذُوٓا ءاٰیاٰتِ اللّٰهِ هُزُوًاۚ وَاذْكُرُوا نِعْمَتَ اللّٰهِ عَلَیْكُمْ وَمآٰ اَنْزَلَ عَلَیْكُمْ مِنَ الْكِتاٰبِ وَالْحِكْمَةِ یَعِظُكُمْ بِهٖۚ وَاتَّقُوا اللّٰهَ وَاعْلَمُوٓا اَنَّ اللّٰهَ بِكُلِّ شَیْءٍ عَلٖیمٌ٢٣١وَاِذاٰ طَلَّقْتُمُ النِّسآٰءَ فَبَلَغْنَ اَجَلَهُنَّ فَلاٰ تَعْضُلُوهُنَّ اَنْ یَنْكِحْنَ اَزْواٰجَهُنَّ اِذاٰ تَراٰضَوْا بَیْنَهُمْ بِالْمَعْرُوفِۗ ذٰلِكَ یُوعَظُ بِهٖ مَنْ كاٰنَ مِنْكُمْ یُؤْمِنُ بِاللّٰهِ وَالْیَوْمِ الْءاٰخِرِۗ ذٰلِكُمْ اَزْكٰی لَكُمْ وَاَطْهَرُۗ وَاللّٰهُ یَعْلَمُ وَاَنْتُمْ لاٰ تَعْلَمُونَ٢٣٢وَالْواٰلِداٰتُ یُرْضِعْنَ اَوْلاٰدَهُنَّ حَوْلَیْنِ كاٰمِلَیْنِۖ لِمَنْ اَراٰدَ اَنْ یُتِمَّ الرَّضاٰعَةَۚ وَعَلَی الْمَوْلُودِ لَهُۥ رِزْقُهُنَّ وَكِسْوَتُهُنَّ بِالْمَعْرُوفِۚ لاٰ تُكَلَّفُ نَفْسٌ اِلّاٰ وُسْعَهاٰۚ لاٰ تُضآٰرَّ واٰلِدَةٌ بِوَلَدِهاٰ وَلاٰ مَوْلُودٌ لَهُۥ بِوَلَدِهٖۚ وَعَلَی الْواٰرِثِ مِثْلُ ذٰلِكَۗ فَاِنْ اَراٰداٰ فِصاٰلًا عَنْ تَراٰضٍ مِنْهُماٰ وَتَشاٰوُرٍ فَلاٰ جُناٰحَ عَلَیْهِماٰۗ وَاِنْ اَرَدْتُمْ اَنْ تَسْتَرْضِعُوٓا اَوْلاٰدَكُمْ فَلاٰ جُناٰحَ عَلَیْكُمْ اِذاٰ سَلَّمْتُمْ مآٰ ءاٰتَیْتُمْ بِالْمَعْرُوفِۗ وَاتَّقُوا اللّٰهَ وَاعْلَمُوٓا اَنَّ اللّٰهَ بِماٰ تَعْمَلُونَ بَصٖیرٌ٢٣٣

When you divorce women and they complete their term [of waiting], then either retain them honourably or release them honourably, and do not retain them maliciously in order that you may transgress; and whoever does that certainly wrongs himself. Do not take the signs of Allah in derision, and remember Allah’s blessing upon you, and what He has sent down to you of the Book and wisdom, to advise you therewith. Be wary of Allah and know that Allah has knowledge of all things. 231When you divorce women and they complete their term, do not hinder them from [re]marrying their husbands, when they honourably reach mutual consent. Herewith are advised those of you who believe in Allah and the Last Day. That will be more decent and purer for you, and Allah knows and you do not know. 232 Mothers shall suckle their children for two full years—that for such as desire to complete the suckling—and on the father shall be their maintenance and clothing, in accordance with honourable norms. No soul is to be tasked except according to its capacity: neither the mother shall be made to suffer harm on her child’s account, nor the father on account of his child, and on the [father’s] heir devolve [duties and rights] similar to that. And if the couple desire to wean with mutual consent and consultation, there will be no sin upon them. And if you want to have your children wet-nursed, there will be no sin upon you so long as you pay what you give in accordance with honourable norms, and be wary of Allah and know that Allah watches what you do. 233

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Short description about the Holy Quran available on this site.
  1. The Holy Quran available on the site has 30 Juz.
  2. The Holy Quran on the site has 120 Hizb.
  3. The default font of the Holy Quran available on the site has been designed by the development team of
  4. The text of the Quran has been prepared by one of the partner sites, which after obtaining the consent of the respected team of this site, the source link will be placed.

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