Surah Adh-DhariyatMakiha60In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.By the scattering [winds] that scatter [the clouds]; ﴾1﴿by the [rain] bearing [clouds] laden [with water]; ﴾2﴿by [the ships] which move gently [on the sea]; ﴾3﴿by [the angels] who dispense [livelihood] by [His] command: ﴾4﴿indeed what you are promised is true, ﴾5﴿and indeed the retribution will surely come to pass! ﴾6﴿By the sky full of adornment [with stars], ﴾7﴿indeed you are of different opinions! ﴾8﴿He who has been turned away [from the truth] is turned away from it. ﴾9﴿Perish the liars, ﴾10﴿who are heedless in a stupor! ﴾11﴿They ask, ‘When will be the Day of Retribution?’ ﴾12﴿It is the day when they will be tormented in the Fire, ﴾13﴿[and will be told]: ‘Taste your torment. This is what you used to hasten.’ ﴾14﴿Indeed the Godwary will be amid gardens and springs, ﴾15﴿receiving what their Lord has given them, for they had been virtuous aforetime. ﴾16﴿They used to sleep a little during the night, ﴾17﴿and at dawns they would plead for forgiveness, ﴾18﴿and there was a share in their wealth for the beggar and the deprived. ﴾19﴿In the earth are signs for those who have conviction, ﴾20﴿and in your souls [as well]. Will you not then perceive? ﴾21﴿And in the sky is your provision and what you are promised. ﴾22﴿By the Lord of the sky and the earth, it is indeed the truth, just as [it is a fact that] you speak. ﴾23﴿Did you receive the story of Abraham’s honoured guests? ﴾24﴿When they entered into his presence, they said, ‘Peace!’ ‘Peace!’ He answered, ‘[You are] an unfamiliar folk.’ ﴾25﴿Then he retired to his family and brought a fat [roasted] calf, ﴾26﴿and put it near them. He said, ‘Will you not eat?’ ﴾27﴿Then he felt a fear of them. They said, ‘Do not be afraid!’ and they gave him the good news of a wise son. ﴾28﴿Then his wife came forward crying [with joy]. She beat her face, and said, ‘A barren old woman!’ ﴾29﴿They said, ‘So has your Lord said. Indeed He is the All-wise, the All-knowing.’ ﴾30﴿ He said, ‘O messengers, what is now your errand?’ ﴾31﴿They said, ‘We have been sent toward a guilty people, ﴾32﴿that We may rain upon them stones of clay, ﴾33﴿sent for the transgressors from your Lord. ﴾34﴿So We picked out those who were in it of the faithful, ﴾35﴿but We did not find there other than one house of Muslims, ﴾36﴿and We have left therein a sign for those who fear a painful punishment.’ ﴾37﴿And in Moses [too there is a sign] when We sent him to Pharaoh with a manifest authority. ﴾38﴿But he turned away assured of his might, and said, ‘A magician or a crazy man!’ ﴾39﴿So We seized him and his hosts, and cast them into the sea, while he was blameworthy. ﴾40﴿And in ‘Ad when We unleashed upon them a barren wind. ﴾41﴿It left nothing that it came upon without making it like decayed bones. ﴾42﴿And in Thamud, when they were told, ‘Enjoy for a while.’ ﴾43﴿Then they defied the command of their Lord; so the thunderbolt seized them as they looked on. ﴾44﴿So they were neither able to rise up, nor to come to one another’s aid. ﴾45﴿And the people of Noah aforetime. Indeed, they were a transgressing lot. ﴾46﴿We have built the heaven with might, and indeed it is We who are its expanders. ﴾47﴿And We have spread out the earth, so how excellent spreaders We have been! ﴾48﴿In all things We have created pairs so that you may take admonition. ﴾49﴿‘So flee toward Allah. Indeed, I am from Him a manifest warner to you. ﴾50﴿Do not set up another god besides Allah. Indeed I am from Him a manifest warner to you.’ ﴾51﴿So it was that there did not come any apostle to those who were before them but they said, ‘A magician,’ or ‘A crazy man!’ ﴾52﴿Did they enjoin this upon one another?! Rather, they were a rebellious lot. ﴾53﴿So turn away from them, as you will not be blameworthy. ﴾54﴿And admonish, for admonition indeed benefits the faithful. ﴾55﴿I did not create the jinn and the humans except that they may worship Me. ﴾56﴿I desire no provision from them, nor do I desire that they should feed Me. ﴾57﴿Indeed it is Allah who is the All-provider, Powerful and All-strong. ﴾58﴿Indeed the lot of those who do wrong [now] will be like the lot of their [earlier] counterparts. So let them not ask Me to hasten on [that fate]. ﴾59﴿Woe to the faithless for the day they are promised! ﴾60﴿
Per quanto riguarda le domande sollevate sul numero di Juz e Hizb del Sacro Corano, dobbiamo annunciare:
Il testo del Sacro Corano è immutabile, ma in alcuni paesi hanno una divisione diversa dalla divisione comune, quindi in questi paesi il numero di Juz o Hizb è diverso dal numero di Juz o Hizb disponibile su questo sito.