Surah Al-Qari'aMakiha11In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.The Catastrophe! ﴾1﴿What is the Catastrophe? ﴾2﴿What will show you what is the Catastrophe? ﴾3﴿[It is] the day when mankind will be like scattered moths ﴾4﴿and the mountains like carded wool. ﴾5﴿As for him, whose deeds weigh heavy in the scales, ﴾6﴿he will have a pleasing life. ﴾7﴿But as for him, whose deeds weigh light in the scales, ﴾8﴿his home will be the Abyss. ﴾9﴿And what will show you what it is? ﴾10﴿It is a scorching fire! ﴾11﴿
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