لَقَدْ كاٰنَ فٖی یُوسُفَ وَاِخْوَتِهٖٓ ءاٰیاٰتٌ لِ
In Joseph and his brothers there are certainly signs for the seekers. ﴾7﴿When they said, ‘Surely Joseph and his brother are dearer to our father than [the rest of] us, though we are a hardy band. Our father is indeed in manifest error.’ ﴾8﴿‘Kill Joseph or cast him away into some [distant] land, so that your father’s attention may be exclusively towards you, and thereafter you may become a righteous lot.’ ﴾9﴿One of them said, ‘Do not kill Joseph, but cast him into the recess of a well so that some caravan may pick him up, if you are to do [anything].’ ﴾10﴿They said, ‘Father! Why is it that you do not trust us with Joseph? We are indeed his well-wishers. ﴾11﴿Let him go with us tomorrow so that he may eat lots of fruits and play, and we will indeed take [good] care of him.’ ﴾12﴿He said, ‘It really upsets me that you should take him away, and I fear the wolf may eat him while you are oblivious of him.’ ﴾13﴿They said, ‘Should the wolf eat him while we are a hardy band, then we will indeed be losers!’ ﴾14﴿So when they took him away and conspired to put him into the recess of a well, We revealed to him, ‘[A day will come when] you will surely inform them about this affair of theirs while they are not aware [of your identity].’ ﴾15﴿In the evening, they came weeping to their father. ﴾16﴿They said, ‘Father! We had gone racing and left Joseph with our things, whereat the wolf ate him. But you will not believe us even if we spoke truly.’ ﴾17﴿And they produced sham blood on his shirt. He said, ‘No, your souls have made a matter seem decorous to you. Yet patience is graceful, and Allah is my resort against what you allege.’ ﴾18﴿There came a caravan, and they sent their water-drawer, who let down his bucket. ‘Good news!’ he said. ‘This is a young boy!’ So they hid him as [a piece of] merchandise, and Allah knew best what they were doing. ﴾19﴿And they sold him for a cheap price, a few dirhams, for they set small store by him. ﴾20﴿The man from Egypt who had bought him said to his wife, ‘Give him an honourable place [in the household]. Maybe he will be useful to us, or we may adopt him as a son.’ Thus We established Joseph in the land and that We might teach him the interpretation of dreams. Allah has [full] command of His affairs, but most people do not know. ﴾21﴿When he came of age, We gave him judgement and [sacred] knowledge, and thus do We reward the virtuous. ﴾22﴿The woman in whose house he was, solicited him. She closed the doors and said, ‘Come!!’ He said, ‘God forbid! Indeed He is my Lord; He has given me a good abode. Indeed the wrongdoers are not felicitous.’ ﴾23﴿She certainly made for him; and he would have made for her [too] had he not beheld the proof of his Lord. So it was, that We might turn away from him all evil and indecency. He was indeed one of Our dedicated servants. ﴾24﴿They raced to the door, and she tore his shirt from behind, and they ran into her husband at the door. She said, ‘What is to be the requital of him who has evil intentions for your wife except imprisonment or a painful punishment?’ ﴾25﴿He said, ‘It was she who solicited me.’ A witness of her own household testified [thus]: ‘If his shirt is torn from the front, she tells the truth and he lies. ﴾26﴿But if his shirt is torn from behind, then she lies and he tells the truth.’ ﴾27﴿So when he saw that his shirt was torn from behind, he said, ‘This is [a case] of you women’s guile! Your guile is indeed great! ﴾28﴿Joseph, let this matter alone, and you, woman, plead for forgiveness for your sin, for you have indeed been erring.’ ﴾29﴿Some of the townswomen said, ‘The chieftain’s wife has solicited her slave boy! He has captivated her love. Indeed we see her to be in manifest error.’ ﴾30﴿When she heard of their machinations, she sent for them and arranged a repast, and gave each of them a knife, and said [to Joseph], ‘Come out before them.’ So when they saw him, they marvelled at him and cut their hands [absent-mindedly], and they said, ‘Good heavens! This is not a human being! This is but a noble angel!’ ﴾31﴿She said, ‘He is the one on whose account you blamed me. Certainly, I did solicit him, but he was continent, and if he does not do what I bid him, surely he shall be imprisoned and humbled.’ ﴾32﴿He said, ‘My Lord! The prison is dearer to me than to what they invite me. If You do not turn away their schemes from me, I will incline towards them and become one of the senseless.’ ﴾33﴿So his Lord answered him and turned away their stratagems from him. Indeed, He is the All-hearing, the All-knowing. ﴾34﴿Then it appeared to them, after they had seen all the signs [of his innocence], that they should confine him for some time. ﴾35﴿There entered the prison two youths along with him. One of them said, ‘I dreamt that I am pressing grapes.’ The other said, ‘I dreamt that I am carrying bread on my head from which the birds are eating.’ ‘Inform us of its interpretation,’ [they said], ‘for indeed we see you to be a virtuous man.’ ﴾36﴿He said, ‘Before the meals you are served come to you I will inform you of its interpretation. That is among things my Lord has taught me. Indeed, I renounce the creed of the people who have no faith in Allah and who [also] disbelieve in the Hereafter. ﴾37﴿I follow the creed of my fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is not for us to ascribe any partner to Allah. That is by virtue of Allah’s grace upon us and upon all mankind, but most people do not give thanks. ﴾38﴿O my prison mates! Are different masters better, or Allah, the One, the All-paramount? ﴾39﴿You do not worship besides Him but [mere] names that you and your fathers have coined, for which Allah has not sent down any authority. Sovereignty belongs only to Allah. He has commanded you to worship none except Him. That is the upright religion, but most people do not know. ﴾40﴿O my prison mates! As for one of you, he will serve wine to his master, and as for the other, he will be crucified and vultures will eat from his head. The matter about which you inquire has been decided.’ ﴾41﴿Then he said to the one whom he knew would be delivered from among the two: ‘Mention me to your master.’ But Satan caused him to forget mentioning [it] to his master. So he remained in the prison for several years. ﴾42﴿[One day] the king said, ‘I saw [in a dream] seven fat cows being devoured by seven lean ones, and seven green ears and [seven] others [that were] dry. O courtiers, give me your opinion about my dream, if you can interpret dreams.’ ﴾43﴿They said, ‘[These are] confused nightmares, and we do not know the interpretation of nightmares.’ ﴾44﴿Said the one of the two who had been delivered, remembering [Joseph] after a long time: ‘I will inform you of its interpretation; so let me go [to meet Joseph in the prison].’ ﴾45﴿‘Joseph,’ [he said], ‘O truthful one, give us your opinion concerning seven fat cows who are eaten by seven lean ones, and seven green ears and [seven] others dry, that I may return to the people so that they may know [the truth of the matter].’ ﴾46﴿He said, ‘You will sow for seven consecutive years. Then leave in the ear whatever [grain] you harvest, except a little that you eat. ﴾47﴿Then after that there will come seven hard years which will eat up whatever you have set aside for them—all except a little which you preserve [for seed]. ﴾48﴿Then after that there will come a year wherein the people will be granted relief and provided with rains therein. ﴾49﴿The king said, ‘Bring him to me!’ When the messenger came to him, he said, ‘Go back to your master, and ask him about the affair of women who cut their hands. My Lord is indeed well aware of their stratagems.’ ﴾50﴿The king said, ‘What was your business, women, when you solicited Joseph?’ They said, ‘Heaven be praised! We know of no evil in him.’ The prince’s wife said, ‘Now the truth has come to light! It was I who solicited him, and he is indeed telling the truth.’ ﴾51﴿[Joseph said], [‘I initiated] this [inquiry], that he may know that I did not betray him in his absence, and that Allah does not further the schemes of the treacherous.’ ﴾52﴿
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