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聖クルアーン (読みやすいフォント)

وَاتْلُ عَلَیْهِمْ نَبَاَ ابْنَیْ ءاٰدَمَ بِالْحَقِّ اِذْ قَرَّباٰ قُرْباٰنًا فَتُقُبِّلَ مِنْ اَحَدِهِماٰ وَلَمْ یُتَقَبَّلْ مِنَ الْءاٰخَرِ قاٰلَ لَاَقْتُلَنَّكَۖ قاٰلَ اِنَّماٰ یَتَقَبَّلُ اللّٰهُ مِنَ الْمُتَّقٖینَ۝٢٧۝لَئِنْ بَسَطْتَ اِلَیَّ یَدَكَ لِتَقْتُلَنٖی مآٰ اَنَا بِباٰسِطٍ یَدِیَ اِلَیْكَ لِاَقْتُلَكَۖ اِنّٖیٓ اَخاٰفُ اللّٰهَ رَبَّ الْعاٰلَمٖینَ۝٢٨۝اِنّٖیٓ اُرٖیدُ اَنْ تَبُوٓاَ بِاِثْمٖی وَاِثْمِكَ فَتَكُونَ مِنْ اَصْحاٰبِ النّاٰرِۚ وَذٰلِكَ جَزٰٓؤُا الظّاٰلِمٖینَ۝٢٩۝فَطَوَّعَتْ لَهُۥ نَفْسُهُۥ قَتْلَ اَخٖیهِ فَقَتَلَهُۥ فَاَصْبَحَ مِنَ الْخاٰسِرٖینَ۝٣٠۝فَبَعَثَ اللّٰهُ غُراٰبًا یَبْحَثُ فِی الْاَرْضِ لِیُرِیَهُۥ كَیْفَ یُواٰرٖی سَوْاَةَ اَخٖیهِۚ قاٰلَ یاٰ وَیْلَتٰٓی اَعَجَزْتُ اَنْ اَكُونَ مِثْلَ هٰذَا الْغُراٰبِ فَاُواٰرِیَ سَوْاَةَ اَخٖیۖ فَاَصْبَحَ مِنَ النّاٰدِمٖینَ۝٣١۝مِنْ اَجْلِ ذٰلِكَ كَتَبْناٰ عَلٰی بَنٖیٓ اِسْرآٰئٖیلَ اَنَّهُۥ مَنْ قَتَلَ نَفْسًا بِغَیْرِ نَفْسٍ اَوْ فَساٰدٍ فِی الْاَرْضِ فَكَاَنَّماٰ قَتَلَ النّاٰسَ جَمٖیعًا وَمَنْ اَحْیاٰهاٰ فَكَاَنَّمآٰ اَحْیَا النّاٰسَ جَمٖیعًاۚ وَلَقَدْ جآٰءَتْهُمْ رُسُلُناٰ بِالْبَیِّناٰتِ ثُمَّ اِنَّ كَثٖیرًا مِنْهُمْ بَعْدَ ذٰلِكَ فِی الْاَرْضِ لَمُسْرِفُونَ۝٣٢۝اِنَّماٰ جَزٰٓؤُا الَّذٖینَ یُحاٰرِبُونَ اللّٰهَ وَرَسُولَهُۥ وَیَسْعَوْنَ فِی الْاَرْضِ فَساٰدًا اَنْ یُقَتَّلُوٓا اَوْ یُصَلَّبُوٓا اَوْ تُقَطَّعَ اَیْدٖیهِمْ وَاَرْجُلُهُمْ مِنْ خِلاٰفٍ اَوْ یُنْفَوْا مِنَ الْاَرْضِۚ ذٰلِكَ لَهُمْ خِزْیٌ فِی الدُّنْیاٰۖ وَلَهُمْ فِی الْءاٰخِرَةِ عَذاٰبٌ عَظٖیمٌ۝٣٣۝اِلَّا الَّذٖینَ تاٰبُوا مِنْ قَبْلِ اَنْ تَقْدِرُوا عَلَیْهِمْۖ فَاعْلَمُوٓا اَنَّ اللّٰهَ غَفُورٌ رَحٖیمٌ۝٣٤۝یآٰ اَیُّهَا الَّذٖینَ ءاٰمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللّٰهَ وَابْتَغُوٓا اِلَیْهِ الْوَسٖیلَةَ وَجاٰهِدُوا فٖی سَبٖیلِهٖ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ۝٣٥۝اِنَّ الَّذٖینَ كَفَرُوا لَوْ اَنَّ لَهُمْ ماٰ فِی الْاَرْضِ جَمٖیعًا وَمِثْلَهُۥ مَعَهُۥ لِیَفْتَدُوا بِهٖ مِنْ عَذاٰبِ یَوْمِ الْقِیاٰمَةِ ماٰ تُقُبِّلَ مِنْهُمْۖ وَلَهُمْ عَذاٰبٌ اَلٖیمٌ۝٣٦۝یُرٖیدُونَ اَنْ یَخْرُجُوا مِنَ النّاٰرِ وَماٰ هُمْ بِخاٰرِجٖینَ مِنْهاٰۖ وَلَهُمْ عَذاٰبٌ مُقٖیمٌ۝٣٧۝وَالسّاٰرِقُ وَالسّاٰرِقَةُ فَاقْطَعُوٓا اَیْدِیَهُماٰ جَزآٰءً بِماٰ كَسَباٰ نَكاٰلًا مِنَ اللّٰهِۗ وَاللّٰهُ عَزٖیزٌ حَكٖیمٌ۝٣٨۝فَمَنْ تاٰبَ مِنْ بَعْدِ ظُلْمِهٖ وَاَصْلَحَ فَاِنَّ اللّٰهَ یَتُوبُ عَلَیْهِۗ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ غَفُورٌ رَحٖیمٌ۝٣٩۝اَلَمْ تَعْلَمْ اَنَّ اللّٰهَ لَهُۥ مُلْكُ السَّمٰواٰتِ وَالْاَرْضِ یُعَذِّبُ مَنْ یَشآٰءُ وَیَغْفِرُ لِمَنْ یَشآٰءُۗ وَاللّٰهُ عَلٰی كُلِّ شَیْءٍ قَدٖیرٌ۝٤٠۝یآٰ اَیُّهَا الرَّسُولُ لاٰ یَحْزُنْكَ الَّذٖینَ یُساٰرِعُونَ فِی الْكُفْرِ مِنَ الَّذٖینَ قاٰلُوٓا ءاٰمَنّاٰ بِاَفْواٰهِهِمْ وَلَمْ تُؤْمِنْ قُلُوبُهُمْۛ وَمِنَ الَّذٖینَ هاٰدُواۛ سَمّاٰعُونَ لِلْكَذِبِ سَمّاٰعُونَ لِقَوْمٍ ءاٰخَرٖینَ لَمْ یَأْتُوكَۖ یُحَرِّفُونَ الْكَلِمَ مِنْ بَعْدِ مَواٰضِعِهٖۖ یَقُولُونَ اِنْ اُوتٖیتُمْ هٰذاٰ فَخُذُوهُ وَاِنْ لَمْ تُؤْتَوْهُ فَاحْذَرُواۚ وَمَنْ یُرِدِ اللّٰهُ فِتْنَتَهُۥ فَلَنْ تَمْلِكَ لَهُۥ مِنَ اللّٰهِ شَیْئًاۚ اُولٰٓئِكَ الَّذٖینَ لَمْ یُرِدِ اللّٰهُ اَنْ یُطَهِّرَ قُلُوبَهُمْۚ لَهُمْ فِی الدُّنْیاٰ خِزْیٌۖ وَلَهُمْ فِی الْءاٰخِرَةِ عَذاٰبٌ عَظٖیمٌ۝٤١۝سَمّاٰعُونَ لِلْكَذِبِ اَكّاٰلُونَ لِلسُّحْتِۚ فَاِنْ جآٰءُوكَ فَاحْكُمْ بَیْنَهُمْ اَوْ اَعْرِضْ عَنْهُمْۖ وَاِنْ تُعْرِضْ عَنْهُمْ فَلَنْ یَضُرُّوكَ شَیْئًاۖ وَاِنْ حَكَمْتَ فَاحْكُمْ بَیْنَهُمْ بِالْقِسْطِۚ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ یُحِبُّ الْمُقْسِطٖینَ۝٤٢۝وَكَیْفَ یُحَكِّمُونَكَ وَعِنْدَهُمُ التَّوْرٰىةُ فٖیهاٰ حُكْمُ اللّٰهِ ثُمَّ یَتَوَلَّوْنَ مِنْ بَعْدِ ذٰلِكَۚ وَمآٰ اُولٰٓئِكَ بِالْمُؤْمِنٖینَ۝٤٣۝اِنّآٰ اَنْزَلْنَا التَّوْرٰىةَ فٖیهاٰ هُدًی وَنُورٌۚ یَحْكُمُ بِهَا النَّبِیُّونَ الَّذٖینَ اَسْلَمُوا لِلَّذٖینَ هاٰدُوا وَالرَّبّاٰنِیُّونَ وَالْاَحْباٰرُ بِمَا اسْتُحْفِظُوا مِنْ كِتاٰبِ اللّٰهِ وَكاٰنُوا عَلَیْهِ شُهَدآٰءَۚ فَلاٰ تَخْشَوُا النّاٰسَ وَاخْشَوْنِ وَلاٰ تَشْتَرُوا بِأٰیاٰتٖی ثَمَنًا قَلٖیلًاۚ وَمَنْ لَمْ یَحْكُمْ بِمآٰ اَنْزَلَ اللّٰهُ فَاُولٰٓئِكَ هُمُ الْكاٰفِرُونَ۝٤٤۝وَكَتَبْناٰ عَلَیْهِمْ فٖیهآٰ اَنَّ النَّفْسَ بِالنَّفْسِ وَالْعَیْنَ بِالْعَیْنِ وَالْاَنْفَ بِالْاَنْفِ وَالْاُذُنَ بِالْاُذُنِ وَالسِّنَّ بِالسِّنِّ وَالْجُرُوحَ قِصاٰصٌۚ فَمَنْ تَصَدَّقَ بِهٖ فَهُوَ كَفّاٰرَةٌ لَهُۥۚ وَمَنْ لَمْ یَحْكُمْ بِمآٰ اَنْزَلَ اللّٰهُ فَاُولٰٓئِكَ هُمُ الظّاٰلِمُونَ۝٤٥۝وَقَفَّیْناٰ عَلٰٓی ءاٰثاٰرِهِمْ بِعٖیسَی ابْنِ مَرْیَمَ مُصَدِّقًا لِماٰ بَیْنَ یَدَیْهِ مِنَ التَّوْرٰىةِۖ وَءاٰتَیْناٰهُ الْاِنْجٖیلَ فٖیهِ هُدًی وَنُورٌ وَمُصَدِّقًا لِماٰ بَیْنَ یَدَیْهِ مِنَ التَّوْرٰىةِ وَهُدًی وَمَوْعِظَةً لِلْمُتَّقٖینَ۝٤٦۝وَلْیَحْكُمْ اَهْلُ الْاِنْجٖیلِ بِمآٰ اَنْزَلَ اللّٰهُ فٖیهِۚ وَمَنْ لَمْ یَحْكُمْ بِمآٰ اَنْزَلَ اللّٰهُ فَاُولٰٓئِكَ هُمُ الْفاٰسِقُونَ۝٤٧۝وَاَنْزَلْنآٰ اِلَیْكَ الْكِتاٰبَ بِالْحَقِّ مُصَدِّقًا لِماٰ بَیْنَ یَدَیْهِ مِنَ الْكِتاٰبِ وَمُهَیْمِنًا عَلَیْهِۖ فَاحْكُمْ بَیْنَهُمْ بِمآٰ اَنْزَلَ اللّٰهُۖ وَلاٰ تَتَّبِعْ اَهْوآٰءَهُمْ عَمّاٰ جآٰءَكَ مِنَ الْحَقِّۚ لِكُلٍّ جَعَلْناٰ مِنْكُمْ شِرْعَةً وَمِنْهاٰجًاۚ وَلَوْ شآٰءَ اللّٰهُ لَجَعَلَكُمْ اُمَّةً واٰحِدَةً وَلٰكِنْ لِیَبْلُوَكُمْ فٖی مآٰ ءاٰتٰىكُمْۖ فَاسْتَبِقُوا الْخَیْراٰتِۚ اِلَی اللّٰهِ مَرْجِعُكُمْ جَمٖیعًا فَیُنَبِّئُكُمْ بِماٰ كُنْتُمْ فٖیهِ تَخْتَلِفُونَ۝٤٨۝وَاَنِ احْكُمْ بَیْنَهُمْ بِمآٰ اَنْزَلَ اللّٰهُ وَلاٰ تَتَّبِعْ اَهْوآٰءَهُمْ وَاحْذَرْهُمْ اَنْ یَفْتِنُوكَ عَنْ بَعْضِ مآٰ اَنْزَلَ اللّٰهُ اِلَیْكَۖ فَاِنْ تَوَلَّوْا فَاعْلَمْ اَنَّماٰ یُرٖیدُ اللّٰهُ اَنْ یُصٖیبَهُمْ بِبَعْضِ ذُنُوبِهِمْۗ وَاِنَّ كَثٖیرًا مِنَ النّاٰسِ لَفاٰسِقُونَ۝٤٩۝اَفَحُكْمَ الْجاٰهِلِیَّةِ یَبْغُونَۚ وَمَنْ اَحْسَنُ مِنَ اللّٰهِ حُكْمًا لِقَوْمٍ یُوقِنُونَ۝٥٠۝

Relate to them truly the account of Adam’s two sons. When the two of them offered an offering, it was accepted from one of them and not accepted from the other. [One of them] said, ‘Surely I will kill you.’ [The other one] said, ‘Allah accepts only from the Godwary. ﴾27﴿Even if you extend your hand toward me to kill me, I will not extend my hand toward you to kill you. Indeed, I fear Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. ﴾28﴿I desire that you earn [the burden of] my sin and your sin, to become one of the inmates of the Fire, and such is the requital of the wrongdoers.’ ﴾29﴿So his soul prompted him to kill his brother, and he killed him, and thus became one of the losers. ﴾30﴿Then Allah sent a crow, exploring in the ground, to show him how to bury the corpse of his brother. He said, ‘Woe to me! Am I unable to be [even] like this crow and bury my brother’s corpse?’ Thus he became regretful. ﴾31﴿That is why We decreed for the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul, without [its being guilty of] manslaughter or corruption on the earth, is as though he had killed all mankind, and whoever saves a life is as though he had saved all mankind. Our apostles certainly brought them manifest signs, yet even after that, many of them commit excesses on the earth. ﴾32﴿Indeed the requital of those who wage war against Allah and His Apostle, and try to cause corruption on the earth, is that they shall be slain or crucified, or shall have their hands and feet cut off from opposite sides, or be banished from the land. That is a disgrace for them in this world, and in the Hereafter, there is a great punishment for them, ﴾33﴿excepting those who repent before you capture them, and know that Allah is all-forgiving, all-merciful. ﴾34﴿O you who have faith! Be wary of Allah, and seek the means of recourse to Him, and wage jihad in His way, so that you may be felicitous. ﴾35﴿Indeed if the faithless possessed all that is on the earth, and as much of it besides, to redeem themselves with it from the punishment of the Day of Resurrection, it shall not be accepted from them, and there is a painful punishment for them. ﴾36﴿They would long to leave the Fire, but they shall never leave it, and there is a lasting punishment for them. ﴾37﴿As for the thief, man or woman, cut off their hands as a requital for what they have earned. [That is] an exemplary punishment from Allah, and Allah is all-mighty, all-wise. ﴾38﴿But whoever repents after his wrongdoing, and reforms, then Allah shall accept his repentance. Indeed Allah is all-forgiving, all-merciful. ﴾39﴿Do you not know that to Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth? He punishes whomever He wishes, and forgives whomever He wishes, and Allah has power over all things. ﴾40﴿O Apostle! Do not grieve for those who are active in [promoting] unfaith, such as those who say, ‘We believe’ with their mouths, but whose hearts have no faith, and the Jews who eavesdrop with the aim of [telling] lies [against you] and eavesdrop for other people who do not come to you. They pervert words from their meanings, [and] say, ‘If you are given this, take it, but if you are not given this, beware!’ Yet whomever Allah wishes to mislead, you cannot avail him anything against Allah. They are the ones whose hearts Allah did not desire to purify. For them is disgrace in this world, and there is a great punishment for them in the Hereafter. ﴾41﴿Eavesdroppers with the aim of [telling] lies, eaters of the unlawful—if they come to you, judge between them, or disregard them. If you disregard them, they will not harm you in any way. But if you judge, judge between them with justice. Indeed Allah loves the just. ﴾42﴿And how should they make you a judge, while with them is the Torah, in which is Allah’s judgement? Yet in spite of that, they turn their backs [on Him] and they are not believers. ﴾43﴿We sent down the Torah containing guidance and light. The prophets, who had submitted, judged by it for the Jews, and so did the rabbis and the scribes, as they were charged to preserve the Book of Allah and were witnesses to it. So do not fear the people, but fear Me, and do not sell My signs for a paltry gain. Those who do not judge by what Allah has sent down—it is they who are the faithless. ﴾44﴿In it We prescribed for them: a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, and an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and retaliation for wounds. Yet whoever remits it out of charity, that shall be an atonement for him. Those who do not judge by what Allah has sent down—it is they who are the wrongdoers. ﴾45﴿We followed them with Jesus son of Mary, to confirm that which was before him of the Torah, and We gave him the Evangel containing guidance and light, confirming what was before it of the Torah, and as guidance and advice for the Godwary. ﴾46﴿Let the people of the Evangel judge by what Allah has sent down in it. Those who do not judge by what Allah has sent down—it is they who are the transgressors. ﴾47﴿We have sent down to you the Book with the truth, confirming what was before it of the Book and as a guardian over it. So judge between them by what Allah has sent down, and do not follow their desires against the truth that has come to you. For each [community] among you We had appointed a code [of law] and a path, and had Allah wished He would have made you one community, but [His purposes required] that He should test you in respect to what He has given you. So take the lead in all good works. To Allah shall be the return of you all, whereat He will inform you concerning that about which you used to differ. ﴾48﴿Judge between them by what Allah has sent down, and do not follow their desires. Beware of them lest they should beguile you from part of what Allah has sent down to you. But if they turn their backs [on you], then know that Allah desires to punish them for some of their sins, and indeed many of the people are transgressors. ﴾49﴿Do they seek the judgement of [pagan] ignorance? But who is better than Allah in judgement for a people who have certainty? ﴾50﴿

聖クルアーンの Surah、Juz、Hizb のリストへのアクセス。

聖クルアーンのJuz とHizb の数について提起された疑問について、私たちは次のことを発表しなければなりません。
聖クルアーンのテキストは変更できませんが、一部の国では一般的な区分とは異なる区分があり、これらの国では Juz または Hizb の数がこのサイトで利用できる Juz または Hizb の数と異なります。

  1. サイトの聖クルアーンには30 Juzがあります。
  2. サイトの聖クルアーンには120 Hizbがあります。
  3. サイトで利用可能な聖クルアーンのデフォルトフォントは、Rojat.comの開発チームによって設計されました。
  4. コーランのテキストは、「イラーブ」およびサイレント文字とともに、パートナー サイトの 1 つによって作成され、このサイトの尊敬されるチームの同意を得た後、ソースリンクが配置されます。
  • 並べ替え:

  • Surah
  • Juz
  • Hizb
1Hizb 12Hizb 23Hizb 34Hizb 45Hizb 56Hizb 67Hizb 78Hizb 89Hizb 910Hizb 1011Hizb 1112Hizb 1213Hizb 1314Hizb 1415Hizb 1516Hizb 1617Hizb 1718Hizb 1819Hizb 1920Hizb 2021Hizb 2122Hizb 2223Hizb 2324Hizb 2425Hizb 2526Hizb 2627Hizb 2728Hizb 2829Hizb 2930Hizb 3031Hizb 3132Hizb 3233Hizb 3334Hizb 3435Hizb 3536Hizb 3637Hizb 3738Hizb 3839Hizb 3940Hizb 4041Hizb 4142Hizb 4243Hizb 4344Hizb 4445Hizb 4546Hizb 4647Hizb 4748Hizb 4849Hizb 4950Hizb 5051Hizb 5152Hizb 5253Hizb 5354Hizb 5455Hizb 5556Hizb 5657Hizb 5758Hizb 5859Hizb 5960Hizb 6061Hizb 6162Hizb 6263Hizb 6364Hizb 6465Hizb 6566Hizb 6667Hizb 6768Hizb 6869Hizb 6970Hizb 7071Hizb 7172Hizb 7273Hizb 7374Hizb 7475Hizb 7576Hizb 7677Hizb 7778Hizb 7879Hizb 7980Hizb 8081Hizb 8182Hizb 8283Hizb 8384Hizb 8485Hizb 8586Hizb 8687Hizb 8788Hizb 8889Hizb 8990Hizb 9091Hizb 9192Hizb 9293Hizb 9394Hizb 9495Hizb 9596Hizb 9697Hizb 9798Hizb 9899Hizb 99100Hizb 100101Hizb 101102Hizb 102103Hizb 103104Hizb 104105Hizb 105106Hizb 106107Hizb 107108Hizb 108109Hizb 109110Hizb 110111Hizb 111112Hizb 112113Hizb 113114Hizb 114115Hizb 115116Hizb 116117Hizb 117118Hizb 118119Hizb 119120Hizb 120