قاٰلَ فَماٰ خَطْبُكُمْ اَیُّهَ۩٦٢سُورَةُ
He said, ‘O messengers, what is now your errand?’ 31They said, ‘We have been sent toward a guilty people, 32that We may rain upon them stones of clay, 33sent for the transgressors from your Lord. 34So We picked out those who were in it of the faithful, 35but We did not find there other than one house of Muslims, 36and We have left therein a sign for those who fear a painful punishment.’ 37And in Moses [too there is a sign] when We sent him to Pharaoh with a manifest authority. 38But he turned away assured of his might, and said, ‘A magician or a crazy man!’ 39So We seized him and his hosts, and cast them into the sea, while he was blameworthy. 40And in ‘Ad when We unleashed upon them a barren wind. 41It left nothing that it came upon without making it like decayed bones. 42And in Thamud, when they were told, ‘Enjoy for a while.’ 43Then they defied the command of their Lord; so the thunderbolt seized them as they looked on. 44So they were neither able to rise up, nor to come to one another’s aid. 45And the people of Noah aforetime. Indeed, they were a transgressing lot. 46We have built the heaven with might, and indeed it is We who are its expanders. 47And We have spread out the earth, so how excellent spreaders We have been! 48In all things We have created pairs so that you may take admonition. 49‘So flee toward Allah. Indeed, I am from Him a manifest warner to you. 50Do not set up another god besides Allah. Indeed I am from Him a manifest warner to you.’ 51So it was that there did not come any apostle to those who were before them but they said, ‘A magician,’ or ‘A crazy man!’ 52Did they enjoin this upon one another?! Rather, they were a rebellious lot. 53So turn away from them, as you will not be blameworthy. 54And admonish, for admonition indeed benefits the faithful. 55I did not create the jinn and the humans except that they may worship Me. 56I desire no provision from them, nor do I desire that they should feed Me. 57Indeed it is Allah who is the All-provider, Powerful and All-strong. 58Indeed the lot of those who do wrong [now] will be like the lot of their [earlier] counterparts. So let them not ask Me to hasten on [that fate]. 59Woe to the faithless for the day they are promised! 60Surah At-TurMakiha49In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.By the Mount [Sinai], 1by the Book inscribed 2on an unrolled parchment; 3by the House greatly frequented; 4by the vault raised high, 5by the surging sea: 6indeed your Lord’s punishment will surely befall. 7There is none who can avert it. 8On the day when the sky whirls violently, 9and the mountains move with an awful motion: 10woe to the deniers on that day 11—those who play around in vain talk, 12the day when they will be shoved forcibly toward the fire of hell, [and told:] 13‘This is the Fire which you used to deny! 14Is this, then, [also] magic, or is it you who do not perceive? 15Enter it, and it will be the same for you whether you are patient or impatient. You are only being requited for what you used to do.’ 16Indeed the Godwary will be amid gardens and bliss, 17rejoicing because of what their Lord has given them, and that their Lord has saved them from the punishment of hell. 18[They will be told:] ‘Enjoy your food and drink, [as a reward] for what you used to do.’ 19They will be reclining on arrayed couches, and We will wed them to big-eyed houris. 20The faithful and their descendants who followed them in faith—We will make their descendants join them, and We will not stint anything from [the reward of] their deeds. Every person is hostage to what he has earned. 21We will provide them with fruits and meat, such as they desire. 22There they will pass from hand to hand a cup wherein there will be neither any vain talk nor sinful speech. 23They will be waited upon by their youths, as if they were guarded pearls. 24They will turn to one another, questioning each other. 25They will say, ‘Indeed, aforetime, we used to be apprehensive about our families. 26But Allah showed us favour and He saved us from the punishment of the [infernal] miasma. 27We used to supplicate Him aforetime. Indeed He is the All-benign, the All-merciful.’ 28So admonish. By your Lord’s blessing, you are not a soothsayer, nor mad. 29Do they say, ‘[He is] a poet, for whom we await a fatal accident’? 30Say, ‘Wait! I too am waiting along with you.’ 31Is it their intellect which prompts them to [say] this, or are they a rebellious lot? 32Do they say, ‘He has improvised it [himself]?’ Rather, they have no faith! 33Let them bring a discourse like it, if they are truthful. 34Were they created from nothing? Or are they [their own] creators? 35Did they create the heavens and the earth? Rather, they have no certainty! 36Do they possess the treasuries of your Lord? Or do they control [them]? 37Do they have a ladder [leading up to heaven] whereby they eavesdrop? If so, let their eavesdropper produce a manifest authority. 38Does He have daughters while you have sons? 39Do you ask them for a reward, so that they are [wary of] being weighed down with debt? 40Do they have [access to] the Unseen, which they write down? 41Do they seek to outmaneuver [Allah]? But it is the faithless who are the outmaneuvered ones! 42Do they have any god other than Allah? Clear is Allah of any partners that they may ascribe [to Him]! 43Were they to see a fragment falling from the sky, they would say, ‘A cumulous cloud.’ 44So leave them until they encounter the day when they will be thunderstruck, 45the day when their guile will not avail them in any way, nor will they be helped. 46Indeed there is a punishment besides that for those who do wrong, but most of them do not know. 47So submit patiently to the judgement of your Lord, for indeed you fare before Our eyes. And celebrate the praise of your Lord when you rise [at dawn], 48and also glorify Him during the night and at the receding of the stars. 49Surah An-NajmMakiha62In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.By the star when it sets: 1your companion has neither gone astray, nor amiss. 2Nor does he speak out of [his own] desire: 3it is just a revelation that is revealed [to him], 4taught him by one of great powers, 5possessed of sound judgement. He settled, 6while he was on the highest horizon. 7Then he drew nearer and nearer 8until he was within two bows’ length or even nearer, 9whereat He revealed to His servant whatever He revealed. 10The heart did not deny what it saw. 11Will you then dispute with him about what he saw?! 12Certainly he saw it yet another time, 13by the Lote Tree of the Ultimate Boundary, 14near which is the Garden of the Abode, 15when there covered the Lote Tree what covered it. 16His gaze did not swerve, nor did it overstep the bounds. 17Certainly he saw some of the greatest signs of his Lord. 18Have you considered Lat and ‘Uzza? 19and Manat, the third one? 20Are you to have males and He females? 21That, then, will be an unfair division! 22These are but names, which you have coined—you and your fathers—for which Allah has not sent down any authority. They follow nothing but conjectures and the desires of the [lower] soul, while there has already come to them the guidance from their Lord. 23Shall man have whatever he yearns for? 24Yet to Allah belong this world and the Hereafter. 25 How many an angel there is in the heavens whose intercession is of not any avail, except after Allah permits whomever He wishes and approves of! 26Indeed those who do not believe in the Hereafter give female names to the angels. 27They do not have any knowledge of that. They follow nothing but conjectures, and conjecture is no substitute for the truth. 28So avoid those who turn away from Our remembrance and desire nothing but the life of the world. 29That is the ultimate reach of their knowledge. Indeed your Lord knows best those who stray from His way, and He knows best those who are [rightly] guided. 30To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, that He may requite those who do evil for what they have done, and reward those who do good with the best [of rewards]. 31Those who avoid major sins and indecencies, apart from [minor and occasional] lapses. Indeed your Lord is expansive in [His] forgiveness. He knows you best since [the time] He produced you from the earth and since you were foetuses in the bellies of your mothers. So do not flaunt your piety: He knows best those who are Godwary. 32Did you see him who turned away, 33gave a little and held off? 34Does he have the knowledge of the Unseen so that he sees? 35Has he not been informed of what is in the scriptures of Moses, 36and of Abraham, who fulfilled [his summons]: 37that no bearer shall bear another’s burden, 38that nothing belongs to man except what he strives for, 39and that he will soon be shown his endeavour, 40then he will be rewarded for it with the fullest reward; 41that the terminus is toward your Lord, 42that it is He who makes [men] laugh, and weep, 43that it is He who brings death and gives life, 44that it is He who created the mates, the male and the female, 45from a drop of [seminal] fluid when emitted; 46that with Him lies the second genesis, 47that it is He who enriches and grants possessions, 48that it is He who is the Lord of Sirius; 49that it is He who destroyed the former ‘Ad, 50and Thamud, sparing none [of them]; 51and the people of Noah before that; indeed they were more unjust and rebellious; 52and He overthrew the town that was overturned, 53covering it with what covered it. 54Then which of the bounties of your Lord will you dispute? 55This is a warner, [in the tradition] of the warners of old. 56The Imminent [Hour] is near at hand. 57There is none who may unveil it besides Allah. 58Will you then wonder at this discourse, 59and laugh and not weep, 60while you remain heedless?! 61So prostrate yourselves to Allah and worship Him! 62Surah Al-QamarMakiha55In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.The Hour has drawn near and the moon is split. 1If they see a sign, they turn away, and say, ‘An incessant magic!’ 2They denied and followed their own desires, and every matter has a setting [appropriate to it]. 3There have already come to them reports containing admonishment, 4[and representing] far-reaching wisdom; but warnings are of no avail! 5So turn away from them! The day when the Caller calls to a dire thing, 6they will emerge from the graves as if they were scattered locusts with a humbled look [in their eyes], 7scrambling toward the summoner. The faithless will say, ‘This is a hard day!’ 8The people of Noah impugned before them. So they impugned Our servant and said, ‘A crazy man,’ and he was reviled. 9Thereat he invoked his Lord, [saying,] ‘I have been overcome, so help [me].’ 10Then We opened the gates of the sky with pouring waters, 11and We made the earth burst forth with springs, and the waters met for a preordained purpose. 12We bore him on a vessel made of planks and nails, 13which sailed [over the flood waters] in Our sight, as a retribution for him who was met with disbelief. 14Certainly We have left it as a sign; so is there anyone who will be admonished? 15So how were My punishment and warnings? 16Certainly We have made the Quran simple for the sake of admonishment. So is there anyone who will be admonished? 17[The people of] ‘Ad impugned [their apostle]. So how were My punishment and warnings? 18Indeed We unleashed upon them an icy gale on an incessantly ill-fated day, 19knocking down people as if they were trunks of uprooted palm trees. 20So how were My punishment and warnings?! 21Certainly We have made the Quran simple for the sake of admonishment. So is there anyone who will be admonished? 22[The people of] Thamud denied the warnings, 23and they said, ‘Are we to follow a lone human from ourselves?! Indeed then we would be in error and madness.’ 24‘Has the Reminder been cast upon him from among us? No, he is a self-conceited liar.’ 25‘Tomorrow they will know who is a self-conceited liar. 26We are sending the She-camel as a trial for them; so watch them and be steadfast. 27Inform them that the water is to be shared between them; each of them showing up at his turn.’ 28But they called their companion, and he took [a knife] and hamstrung [her]. 29So how were My punishment and My warnings?! 30We sent against them a single Cry, and they became like the dry sticks of a corral builder. 31Certainly We have made the Quran simple for the sake of admonishment. So is there anyone who will be admonished? 32And the people of Lot denied the warnings. 33We unleashed upon them a rain of stones, excepting the family of Lot, whom We delivered at dawn 34as a blessing from Us. Thus do We reward those who give thanks. 35He had already warned them of Our punishment, but they disputed the warnings. 36They even solicited of him his guests, whereat We blotted out their eyes, [saying,] ‘Taste My punishment and My warnings!’ 37Early at dawn there visited them an abiding punishment: 38‘Taste My punishment and warnings!’ 39Certainly We have made the Quran simple for the sake of admonishment. So is there anyone who will be admonished? 40Certainly the warnings did come to Pharaoh’s clan 41who denied all of Our signs. So We seized them with the seizing of One [who is] all-mighty, Omnipotent. 42Are your faithless better than those? Have you [been granted] [some sort of] immunity in the scriptures? 43Do they say, ‘We are a confederate league’? 44The league will be routed and turn its back [to flee]. 45Indeed, the Hour is their tryst; and the Hour will be most calamitous and bitter. 46Indeed the guilty are steeped in error and madness. 47The day when they are dragged on their faces into the Fire, [it will be said to them,] ‘Taste the touch of hell!’ 48Indeed We have created everything in a measure, 49and Our command is but a single [word], like the twinkling of an eye. 50Certainly We have destroyed your likes. So is there anyone who will be admonished? 51Everything they have done is in the books, 52and everything big and small is committed to writing. 53Indeed the Godwary will be amid gardens and streams, 54in the abode of truthfulness with an omnipotent King. 55Surah Ar-RahmanMadineh78In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful. The All-beneficent 1has taught the Quran. 2He created man, 3[and] taught him articulate speech. 4The sun and the moon are [disposed] calculatedly, 5and the herb and the tree prostrate [to Allah]. 6He raised the heaven high and set up the balance, 7declaring, ‘Do not infringe the balance! 8Maintain the weights with justice, and do not shorten the balance!’ 9And the earth—He laid it out for mankind. 10In it are fruits and date-palms with sheaths, 11grain with husk, and fragrant herbs. 12So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 13He created man out of dry clay, like the potter’s, 14and created the jinn out of a flame of a fire. 15So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 16Lord of the two easts, and Lord of the two wests! 17So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 18He merged the two seas, meeting each other. 19There is a barrier between them, which they do not overstep. 20So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 21From them emerge the pearl and the coral. 22So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 23His are the sailing ships on the sea [appearing] like landmarks. 24So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 25Everyone on it is ephemeral, 26yet lasting is the majestic and munificent Face of your Lord. 27So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 28Everyone in the heavens and the earth asks Him. Every day He is engaged in some work. 29So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 30Soon We shall make Ourselves unoccupied for you, O you notable two! 31So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 32O company of jinn and humans! If you can pass through the confines of the heavens and the earth, then do pass through. But you will not pass through except by an authority [from Allah]. 33So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 34There will be unleashed upon you a flash of fire and a smoke; then you will not be able to help one another. 35So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 36When the sky is split open, and turns crimson like tanned leather. 37So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 38On that day neither humans will be questioned about their sins nor jinn. 39So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 40The guilty will be recognized by their mark; so they will be seized by their forelocks and feet. 41So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 42‘This is the hell which the guilty would deny!’ 43They shall circuit between it and boiling hot water. 44So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 45For him who stands in awe of his Lord will be two gardens. 46So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 47Both abounding in branches. 48So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 49In both of them will be two flowing springs. 50So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 51In both of them will be two kinds of every fruit. 52So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 53[They will be] reclining on beds lined with green silk. And the fruit of the two gardens will be near at hand. 54So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 55In them are maidens of restrained glances, whom no human has touched before, nor jinn. 56So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 57As though they were rubies and corals. 58So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 59Is the requital of goodness anything but goodness? 60So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 61Beside these two, there will be two [other] gardens. 62So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 63Dark green. 64So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 65In both of them will be two gushing springs. 66So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 67In both of them will be fruits, date-palms and pomegranates. 68So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 69In them are maidens good and lovely. 70So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 71Houris secluded in pavilions. 72So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 73Whom no human has touched before, nor jinn. 74So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 75Reclining on green cushions and lovely carpets. 76So which of your Lord’s bounties will you both deny? 77Blessed is the Name of your Lord, the Majestic and the Munificent! 78Surah Al-Waqi'aMakiha96In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.When the Imminent [Hour] befalls 1—there is no denying that it will befall— 2[it will be] lowering and exalting. 3When the earth is shaken violently, 4and the mountains are shattered into bits 5and become scattered dust, 6you will be three groups: 7The People of the Right Hand—and what are the People of the Right Hand?! 8And the People of the Left Hand—and what are the People of the Left Hand?! 9And the Foremost Ones are the foremost ones: 10they are the ones brought near [to Allah], 11[who will reside] in the gardens of bliss. 12A multitude from the former [generations] 13and a few from the latter ones. 14On brocaded couches 15reclining on them, face to face. 16They will be waited upon by immortal youths, 17with goblets and ewers and a cup of a clear wine, 18which causes them neither headache nor stupefaction, 19and such fruits as they prefer 20and such flesh of fowls as they desire, 21and big-eyed houris 22like guarded pearls, 23a reward for what they used to do. 24They will not hear therein any vain talk or sinful speech, 25but only the watchword, ‘Peace!’ ‘Peace!’ 26And the People of the Right Hand—what are the People of the Right Hand?! 27Amid thornless lote trees 28and clustered spathes 29and extended shade, 30and ever-flowing water 31and abundant fruits, 32neither inaccessible, nor forbidden, 33and noble spouses. 34We have created them with a special creation, 35and made them virgins, 36loving, of a like age, 37for the People of the Right Hand. 38A multitude from the former [generations] 39and a multitude from the latter [ones]. 40And the People of the Left Hand—what are the People of the Left Hand?! 41Amid infernal miasma and boiling water 42and the shadow of a dense black smoke, 43neither cool nor beneficial. 44Indeed they had been affluent before this, 45and they used to persist in the great sin. 46And they used to say, ‘What! When we are dead and become dust and bones, shall we be resurrected?! 47And our forefathers too?!’ 48Say, ‘Indeed the former and latter generations 49will all be gathered for the tryst of a known day. 50Then indeed, you, astray deniers, 51will surely eat from the Zaqqum tree 52and stuff your bellies with it, 53and drink boiling water on top of it, 54drinking like thirsty camels.’ 55Such will be the hospitality they receive on the Day of Retribution. 56We created you. Then why do you not acknowledge it? 57Have you considered the sperm that you emit? 58Is it you who create it, or are We the creator? 59We have ordained death among you, and We are not to be outmaneuvered 60from replacing you with your likes and recreating you in [a realm] you do not know. 61Certainly you have known the first genesis, then why do you not take admonition? 62Have you considered what you sow? 63Is it you who make it grow, or are We the grower? 64If We wish, We turn it into chaff, whereat you are left stunned [saying to yourselves,] 65‘Indeed we have suffered loss! 66No, we are deprived!’ 67Have you considered the water that you drink? 68Is it you who bring it down from the rain cloud, or is it We who bring [it] down? 69If We wish We can make it bitter. Then why do you not give thanks? 70Have you considered the fire that you kindle? 71Was it you who caused its tree to grow, or were We the grower? 72It was We who made it a reminder and a boon for the desert-dwellers. 73So celebrate the Name of your Lord, the All-supreme. 74 I swear by the places where the stars set! 75And indeed it is a great oath, should you know. 76This is indeed a noble Quran, 77in a guarded Book 78—no one touches it except the pure ones— 79sent down gradually from the Lord of all the worlds. 80What! Do you take lightly this discourse? 81And make your denial of it your vocation? 82So when it reaches the throat [of the dying person], 83and at that moment you are looking on [at his bedside] 84—and We are nearer to him than you are, though you do not perceive— 85then why do you not restore it, if you are not subject 86[to Divine dispensation], if you are truthful? 87Then, if he be of those brought near, 88then ease, abundance, and a garden of bliss. 89And if he be of the People of the Right Hand, 90then [he will be told,] ‘Peace be on you, from the People of the Right Hand!’ 91But if he be of the impugners, the astray ones, 92then a treat of boiling water 93and entry into hell. 94Indeed this is certain truth. 95So celebrate the Name of your Lord, the All-supreme! 96Surah Al-HadidMadineh29In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.Whatever there is in the heavens and [whatever there is on] the earth glorifies Allah and He is the All-mighty, the All-wise. 1To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth: He gives life and brings death, and He has power over all things. 2He is the First and the Last, the Manifest and the Hidden, and He has knowledge of all things. 3It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days; then settled on the Throne. He knows whatever enters the earth and whatever emerges from it and whatever descends from the sky and whatever ascends to it, and He is with you wherever you may be, and Allah watches what you do. 4To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah all matters are returned. 5He makes the night pass into the day and makes the day pass into the night, and He knows best what is in the breasts. 6Have faith in Allah and His Apostle, and spend out of that of which He has made you heirs. There is a great reward for those of you who have faith and spend [in Allah’s way]. 7Why should you not have faith in Allah when the Apostle invites you to have faith in your Lord, and He has certainly made a covenant with you, if you are [genuinely] faithful? 8It is He who sends down manifest signs to His servant that He may bring you out of darkness into light, and indeed Allah is most kind and merciful to you. 9Why should you not spend in the way of Allah, when to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth? Those of you who spent [their means] and fought before the victory are not equal [to others]. They are greater in rank than those who have spent and fought afterwards. Yet Allah has promised the best reward to each and Allah is well aware of what you do. 10Who is it that will lend Allah a good loan, that He may multiply it for him and [that] there may be a noble reward for him? 11The day you will see the faithful, men and women, with their light moving swiftly in front of them and on their right, [and they are greeted with the words:] ‘There is good news for you today! Gardens with streams running in them, to remain in them [forever]. That is the great success.’ 12The day the hypocrites, men and women, will say to the faithful, ‘Please wait, that we may glean something from your light!’ They will be told: ‘Go back and grope for light!’ Then there will be set up between them a wall with a gate, with mercy within and punishment without. 13They will call out to them, ‘Did we not use to be with you?’ They will say, ‘Yes! But you cast yourselves into perdition. You awaited and were skeptical, and [false] hopes deceived you until the edict of Allah came, and the Deceiver deceived you concerning Allah. 14So today no ransom shall be taken from you or the faithless. The Fire will be your abode: it is your [ultimate] refuge and an evil destination.’ 15Is it not time yet for those who have faith that their hearts should be humbled for Allah’s remembrance and toward the truth which has come down [to them], and to be not like those who were given the Book before? Time took its toll on them and so their hearts were hardened, and many of them are transgressors. 16Know that Allah revives the earth after its death. We have certainly made the signs clear for you, so that you may exercise your reason. 17Indeed the charitable men and women and those who lend Allah a good loan—it shall be multiplied for them, and there will be a noble reward for them. 18Those who have faith in Allah and His apostles—it is they who are the truthful and witnesses with their Lord; they shall have their reward and their light. But as for those who are faithless and deny Our signs, they shall be the inmates of hell. 19Know that the life of this world is mere diversion and play, glamour and mutual vainglory among you and rivalry for wealth and children—like rain, whose growth impresses the farmer. Then it withers and you see it turn yellow, then it becomes chaff. Whereas in the Hereafter there is forgiveness from Allah and His approval and a severe punishment. The life of this world is nothing but the wares of delusion. 20Take the lead towards forgiveness from your Lord and a paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who have faith in Allah and His apostles. That is Allah’s grace, which He grants to whomever He wishes, and Allah is dispenser of a great grace. 21No affliction visits the land or yourselves but it is in a Book before We bring it about—that is indeed easy for Allah— 22so that you may not grieve for what escapes you, nor boast for what comes your way, and Allah does not like any swaggering braggart. 23Such as are [themselves] stingy and bid [other] people to be stingy. And whoever refuses to comply [should know that] indeed Allah is the All-sufficient, the All-laudable. 24Certainly We sent Our apostles with manifest proofs, and We sent down with them the Book and the Balance, so that mankind may maintain justice; and We sent down iron, in which there is great might and uses for mankind, and so that Allah may know those who help Him and His apostles [with faith] in the Unseen. Indeed Allah is all-strong, all-mighty. 25Certainly We sent Noah and Abraham and We ordained among their descendants prophethood and the Book. Some of them are [rightly] guided, and many of them are transgressors. 26Then We followed them up with Our apostles and We followed [them] with Jesus son of Mary, and We gave him the Evangel, and We put kindness and mercy into the hearts of those who followed him. But as for monasticism, they innovated it—We had not prescribed it for them—only seeking Allah’s pleasure. Yet they did not observe it with due observance. So We gave to the faithful among them their [due] reward, but many of them are transgressors. 27O you who have faith! Be wary of Allah and have faith in His Apostle. He will grant you a double share of His mercy and a light to walk by, and He will forgive you, and Allah is all-forgiving, all-merciful; 28so that the People of the Book may know that they do not control Allah grace in any wise and that in Allah’s hand is all grace, which He grants to whomever He wishes and Allah is dispenser of a mighty grace. 29
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