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Help save the children, women and men of Yemeni and Palestine.
Please help by publishing your photos and writings in any way to break the siege and help the oppressed people of these two countries.

El Sagrado Corán (Con fuente legible) > Hizb 49

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وَمآٰ اُبَرِّیُٔ نَفْسٖیٓۚ اِنَّ النَّفْسَ لَاَمّاٰرَةٌ بِالسُّوٓءِ اِلّاٰ ماٰ رَحِمَ رَبّٖیٓۚ اِنَّ رَبّٖی غَفُورٌ رَحٖیمٌ٥٣وَقاٰلَ الْمَلِكُ ائْتُونٖی بِهٖٓ اَسْتَخْلِصْهُ لِنَفْسٖیۖ فَلَمّاٰ كَلَّمَهُۥ قاٰلَ اِنَّكَ الْیَوْمَ لَدَیْناٰ مَكٖینٌ اَمٖینٌ٥٤قاٰلَ اجْعَلْنٖی عَلٰی خَزآٰئِنِ الْاَرْضِۖ اِنّٖی حَفٖیظٌ عَلٖیمٌ٥٥وَكَذٰلِكَ مَكَّنّاٰ لِیُوسُفَ فِی الْاَرْضِ یَتَبَوَّاُ مِنْهاٰ حَیْثُ یَشآٰءُۚ نُصٖیبُ بِرَحْمَتِناٰ مَنْ نَشآٰءُۖ وَلاٰ نُضٖیعُ اَجْرَ الْمُحْسِنٖینَ٥٦وَلَاَجْرُ الْءاٰخِرَةِ خَیْرٌ لِلَّذٖینَ ءاٰمَنُوا وَكاٰنُوا یَتَّقُونَ٥٧وَجآٰءَ اِخْوَةُ یُوسُفَ فَدَخَلُوا عَلَیْهِ فَعَرَفَهُمْ وَهُمْ لَهُۥ مُنْكِرُونَ٥٨وَلَمّاٰ جَهَّزَهُمْ بِجَهاٰزِهِمْ قاٰلَ ائْتُونٖی بِاَخٍ لَكُمْ مِنْ اَبٖیكُمْۚ اَلاٰ تَرَوْنَ اَنّٖیٓ اُوفِی الْكَیْلَ وَاَنَا خَیْرُ الْمُنْزِلٖینَ٥٩فَاِنْ لَمْ تَأْتُونٖی بِهٖ فَلاٰ كَیْلَ لَكُمْ عِنْدٖی وَلاٰ تَقْرَبُونِ٦٠قاٰلُوا سَنُراٰوِدُ عَنْهُ اَباٰهُ وَاِنّاٰ لَفاٰعِلُونَ٦١وَقاٰلَ لِفِتْیاٰنِهِ اجْعَلُوا بِضاٰعَتَهُمْ فٖی رِحاٰلِهِمْ لَعَلَّهُمْ یَعْرِفُونَهآٰ اِذَا انْقَلَبُوٓا اِلٰٓی اَهْلِهِمْ لَعَلَّهُمْ یَرْجِعُونَ٦٢فَلَمّاٰ رَجَعُوٓا اِلٰٓی اَبٖیهِمْ قاٰلُوا یآٰ اَباٰناٰ مُنِعَ مِنَّا الْكَیْلُ فَاَرْسِلْ مَعَنآٰ اَخاٰناٰ نَكْتَلْ وَاِنّاٰ لَهُۥ لَحاٰفِظُونَ٦٣قاٰلَ هَلْ ءاٰمَنُكُمْ عَلَیْهِ اِلّاٰ كَمآٰ اَمِنْتُكُمْ عَلٰٓی اَخٖیهِ مِنْ قَبْلُ فَاللّٰهُ خَیْرٌ حاٰفِظًاۖ وَهُوَ اَرْحَمُ الرّاٰحِمٖینَ٦٤وَلَمّاٰ فَتَحُوا مَتاٰعَهُمْ وَجَدُوا بِضاٰعَتَهُمْ رُدَّتْ اِلَیْهِمْۖ قاٰلُوا یآٰ اَباٰناٰ ماٰ نَبْغٖیۖ هٰذِهٖ بِضاٰعَتُناٰ رُدَّتْ اِلَیْناٰۖ وَنَمٖیرُ اَهْلَناٰ وَنَحْفَظُ اَخاٰناٰ وَنَزْداٰدُ كَیْلَ بَعٖیرٍۖ ذٰلِكَ كَیْلٌ یَسٖیرٌ٦٥قاٰلَ لَنْ اُرْسِلَهُۥ مَعَكُمْ حَتّٰی تُؤْتُونِ مَوْثِقًا مِنَ اللّٰهِ لَتَأْتُنَّنٖی بِهٖٓ اِلّآٰ اَنْ یُحاٰطَ بِكُمْۖ فَلَمّآٰ ءاٰتَوْهُ مَوْثِقَهُمْ قاٰلَ اللّٰهُ عَلٰی ماٰ نَقُولُ وَكٖیلٌ٦٦وَقاٰلَ یاٰ بَنِیَّ لاٰ تَدْخُلُوا مِنْ باٰبٍ واٰحِدٍ وَادْخُلُوا مِنْ اَبْواٰبٍ مُتَفَرِّقَةٍۖ وَمآٰ اُغْنٖی عَنْكُمْ مِنَ اللّٰهِ مِنْ شَیْءٍۖ اِنِ الْحُكْمُ اِلّاٰ لِلّٰهِۖ عَلَیْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُۖ وَعَلَیْهِ فَلْیَتَوَكَّلِ الْمُتَوَكِّلُونَ٦٧وَلَمّاٰ دَخَلُوا مِنْ حَیْثُ اَمَرَهُمْ اَبُوهُمْ ماٰ كاٰنَ یُغْنٖی عَنْهُمْ مِنَ اللّٰهِ مِنْ شَیْءٍ اِلّاٰ حاٰجَةً فٖی نَفْسِ یَعْقُوبَ قَضٰىهاٰۚ وَاِنَّهُۥ لَذُو عِلْمٍ لِماٰ عَلَّمْناٰهُ وَلٰكِنَّ اَكْثَرَ النّاٰسِ لاٰ یَعْلَمُونَ٦٨وَلَمّاٰ دَخَلُوا عَلٰی یُوسُفَ ءاٰوٰٓی اِلَیْهِ اَخاٰهُ قاٰلَ اِنّٖیٓ اَنَا اَخُوكَ فَلاٰ تَبْتَئِسْ بِماٰ كاٰنُوا یَعْمَلُونَ٦٩فَلَمّاٰ جَهَّزَهُمْ بِجَهاٰزِهِمْ جَعَلَ السِّقاٰیَةَ فٖی رَحْلِ اَخٖیهِ ثُمَّ اَذَّنَ مُؤَذِّنٌ اَیَّتُهَا الْعٖیرُ اِنَّكُمْ لَساٰرِقُونَ٧٠قاٰلُوا وَاَقْبَلُوا عَلَیْهِمْ ماٰذاٰ تَفْقِدُونَ٧١قاٰلُوا نَفْقِدُ صُواٰعَ الْمَلِكِ وَلِمَنْ جآٰءَ بِهٖ حِمْلُ بَعٖیرٍ وَاَنَا بِهٖ زَعٖیمٌ٧٢قاٰلُوا تَاللّٰهِ لَقَدْ عَلِمْتُمْ ماٰ جِئْناٰ لِنُفْسِدَ فِی الْاَرْضِ وَماٰ كُنّاٰ ساٰرِقٖینَ٧٣قاٰلُوا فَماٰ جَزآٰؤُهُۥٓ اِنْ كُنْتُمْ كاٰذِبٖینَ٧٤قاٰلُوا جَزآٰؤُهُۥ مَنْ وُجِدَ فٖی رَحْلِهٖ فَهُوَ جَزآٰؤُهُۥۚ كَذٰلِكَ نَجْزِی الظّاٰلِمٖینَ٧٥فَبَدَاَ بِاَوْعِیَتِهِمْ قَبْلَ وِعآٰءِ اَخٖیهِ ثُمَّ اسْتَخْرَجَهاٰ مِنْ وِعآٰءِ اَخٖیهِۚ كَذٰلِكَ كِدْناٰ لِیُوسُفَۖ ماٰ كاٰنَ لِیَأْخُذَ اَخاٰهُ فٖی دٖینِ الْمَلِكِ اِلّآٰ اَنْ یَشآٰءَ اللّٰهُۚ نَرْفَعُ دَرَجاٰتٍ مَنْ نَشآٰءُۗ وَفَوْقَ كُلِّ ذٖی عِلْمٍ عَلٖیمٌ٧٦قاٰلُوٓا اِنْ یَسْرِقْ فَقَدْ سَرَقَ اَخٌ لَهُۥ مِنْ قَبْلُۚ فَاَسَرَّهاٰ یُوسُفُ فٖی نَفْسِهٖ وَلَمْ یُبْدِهاٰ لَهُمْۚ قاٰلَ اَنْتُمْ شَرٌّ مَكاٰنًاۖ وَاللّٰهُ اَعْلَمُ بِماٰ تَصِفُونَ٧٧قاٰلُوا یآٰ اَیُّهَا الْعَزٖیزُ اِنَّ لَهُۥٓ اَبًا شَیْخًا كَبٖیرًا فَخُذْ اَحَدَناٰ مَكاٰنَهُۥٓۖ اِنّاٰ نَرٰىكَ مِنَ الْمُحْسِنٖینَ٧٨قاٰلَ مَعاٰذَ اللّٰهِ اَنْ نَأْخُذَ اِلّاٰ مَنْ وَجَدْناٰ مَتاٰعَناٰ عِنْدَهُۥٓ اِنّآٰ اِذًا لَظاٰلِمُونَ٧٩فَلَمَّا اسْتَیْاَسُوا مِنْهُ خَلَصُوا نَجِیًّاۖ قاٰلَ كَبٖیرُهُمْ اَلَمْ تَعْلَمُوٓا اَنَّ اَباٰكُمْ قَدْ اَخَذَ عَلَیْكُمْ مَوْثِقًا مِنَ اللّٰهِ وَمِنْ قَبْلُ ماٰ فَرَّطْتُمْ فٖی یُوسُفَۖ فَلَنْ اَبْرَحَ الْاَرْضَ حَتّٰی یَأْذَنَ لٖیٓ اَبٖیٓ اَوْ یَحْكُمَ اللّٰهُ لٖیۖ وَهُوَ خَیْرُ الْحاٰكِمٖینَ٨٠ٱِرْجِعُوٓا اِلٰٓی اَبٖیكُمْ فَقُولُوا یآٰ اَباٰنآٰ اِنَّ ابْنَكَ سَرَقَ وَماٰ شَهِدْنآٰ اِلّاٰ بِماٰ عَلِمْناٰ وَماٰ كُنّاٰ لِلْغَیْبِ حاٰفِظٖینَ٨١وَسْئَلِ الْقَرْیَةَ الَّتٖی كُنّاٰ فٖیهاٰ وَالْعٖیرَ الَّتٖیٓ اَقْبَلْناٰ فٖیهاٰۖ وَاِنّاٰ لَصاٰدِقُونَ٨٢قاٰلَ بَلْ سَوَّلَتْ لَكُمْ اَنْفُسُكُمْ اَمْرًاۖ فَصَبْرٌ جَمٖیلٌۖ عَسَی اللّٰهُ اَنْ یَأْتِیَنٖی بِهِمْ جَمٖیعًاۚ اِنَّهُۥ هُوَ الْعَلٖیمُ الْحَكٖیمُ٨٣وَتَوَلّٰی عَنْهُمْ وَقاٰلَ یآٰ اَسَفٰی عَلٰی یُوسُفَ وَابْیَضَّتْ عَیْناٰهُ مِنَ الْحُزْنِ فَهُوَ كَظٖیمٌ٨٤قاٰلُوا تَاللّٰهِ تَفْتَؤُا تَذْكُرُ یُوسُفَ حَتّٰی تَكُونَ حَرَضًا اَوْ تَكُونَ مِنَ الْهاٰلِكٖینَ٨٥قاٰلَ اِنَّمآٰ اَشْكُوا بَثّٖی وَحُزْنٖیٓ اِلَی اللّٰهِ وَاَعْلَمُ مِنَ اللّٰهِ ماٰ لاٰ تَعْلَمُونَ٨٦یاٰ بَنِیَّ اذْهَبُوا فَتَحَسَّسُوا مِنْ یُوسُفَ وَاَخٖیهِ وَلاٰ تَیْاَسُوا مِنْ رَوْحِ اللّٰهِۖ اِنَّهُۥ لاٰ یَیْاَسُ مِنْ رَوْحِ اللّٰهِ اِلَّا الْقَوْمُ الْكاٰفِرُونَ٨٧فَلَمّاٰ دَخَلُوا عَلَیْهِ قاٰلُوا یآٰ اَیُّهَا الْعَزٖیزُ مَسَّناٰ وَاَهْلَنَا الضُّرُّ وَجِئْناٰ بِبِضاٰعَةٍ مُزْجٰىةٍ فَاَوْفِ لَنَا الْكَیْلَ وَتَصَدَّقْ عَلَیْنآٰۖ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ یَجْزِی الْمُتَصَدِّقٖینَ٨٨قاٰلَ هَلْ عَلِمْتُمْ ماٰ فَعَلْتُمْ بِیُوسُفَ وَاَخٖیهِ اِذْ اَنْتُمْ جاٰهِلُونَ٨٩قاٰلُوٓا ءَاِنَّكَ لَاَنْتَ یُوسُفُۖ قاٰلَ اَنَا یُوسُفُ وَهٰذآٰ اَخٖیۖ قَدْ مَنَّ اللّٰهُ عَلَیْنآٰۖ اِنَّهُۥ مَنْ یَتَّقِ وَیَصْبِرْ فَاِنَّ اللّٰهَ لاٰ یُضٖیعُ اَجْرَ الْمُحْسِنٖینَ٩٠قاٰلُوا تَاللّٰهِ لَقَدْ ءاٰثَرَكَ اللّٰهُ عَلَیْناٰ وَاِنْ كُنّاٰ لَخاٰطِئٖینَ٩١قاٰلَ لاٰ تَثْرٖیبَ عَلَیْكُمُ الْیَوْمَۖ یَغْفِرُ اللّٰهُ لَكُمْۖ وَهُوَ اَرْحَمُ الرّاٰحِمٖینَ٩٢ٱِذْهَبُوا بِقَمٖیصٖی هٰذاٰ فَاَلْقُوهُ عَلٰی وَجْهِ اَبٖی یَأْتِ بَصٖیرًا وَأْتُونٖی بِاَهْلِكُمْ اَجْمَعٖینَ٩٣وَلَمّاٰ فَصَلَتِ الْعٖیرُ قاٰلَ اَبُوهُمْ اِنّٖی لَاَجِدُ رٖیحَ یُوسُفَۖ لَوْلآٰ اَنْ تُفَنِّدُونِ٩٤قاٰلُوا تَاللّٰهِ اِنَّكَ لَفٖی ضَلاٰلِكَ الْقَدٖیمِ٩٥فَلَمّآٰ اَنْ جآٰءَ الْبَشٖیرُ اَلْقٰىهُ عَلٰی وَجْهِهٖ فَارْتَدَّ بَصٖیرًاۖ قاٰلَ اَلَمْ اَقُلْ لَكُمْ اِنّٖیٓ اَعْلَمُ مِنَ اللّٰهِ ماٰ لاٰ تَعْلَمُونَ٩٦قاٰلُوا یآٰ اَباٰنَا اسْتَغْفِرْ لَناٰ ذُنُوبَنآٰ اِنّاٰ كُنّاٰ خاٰطِئٖینَ٩٧قاٰلَ سَوْفَ اَسْتَغْفِرُ لَكُمْ رَبّٖیٓۖ اِنَّهُۥ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحٖیمُ٩٨فَلَمّاٰ دَخَلُوا عَلٰی یُوسُفَ ءاٰوٰٓی اِلَیْهِ اَبَوَیْهِ وَقاٰلَ ادْخُلُوا مِصْرَ اِنْ شآٰءَ اللّٰهُ ءاٰمِنٖینَ٩٩وَرَفَعَ اَبَوَیْهِ عَلَی الْعَرْشِ وَخَرُّوا لَهُۥ سُجَّدًاۖ وَقاٰلَ یآٰ اَبَتِ هٰذاٰ تَأْوٖیلُ رُؤْیاٰیَ مِنْ قَبْلُ قَدْ جَعَلَهاٰ رَبّٖی حَقًّاۖ وَقَدْ اَحْسَنَ بٖیٓ اِذْ اَخْرَجَنٖی مِنَ السِّجْنِ وَجآٰءَ بِكُمْ مِنَ الْبَدْوِ مِنْ بَعْدِ اَنْ نَزَغَ الشَّیْطاٰنُ بَیْنٖی وَبَیْنَ اِخْوَتٖیٓۚ اِنَّ رَبّٖی لَطٖیفٌ لِماٰ یَشآٰءُۚ اِنَّهُۥ هُوَ الْعَلٖیمُ الْحَكٖیمُ١٠٠

‘Yet I do not absolve my [own carnal] soul, for the [carnal] soul indeed prompts [men] to evil, except inasmuch as my Lord has mercy. Indeed my Lord is all-forgiving, all-merciful.’ 53The king said, ‘Bring him to me, I will make him my favourite.’ Then, when he had spoken with him, he said, ‘Indeed today [onwards] you will be honoured and trustworthy with us.’ 54He said, ‘Put me in charge of the country’s granaries. I am indeed fastidious [and]well-informed.’ 55That is how We established Joseph in the land that he may settle in it wherever he wished. We confer Our mercy on whomever We wish, and We do not waste the reward of the virtuous. 56And the reward of the Hereafter is surely better for those who have faith and are Godwary. 57[After some years] the brothers of Joseph came and entered his presence. He recognized them, but they did not recognize him. 58When he had furnished them with their provision, he said, ‘Bring me a brother that you have through your father. Do you not see that I give the full measure and that I am the best of hosts? 59But if you do not bring him to me, then there will be no rations for you with me, and don’t [ever] come near me.’ 60They said, ‘We will solicit him from his father. [That] we will surely do.’ 61He said to his servants, ‘Put their money [back] into their saddlebags. Maybe they will recognize it when they return to their folks, and maybe they will come back [again].’ 62So when they returned to their father, they said, ‘Father, the measure has been withheld from us, so let our brother go with us so that we may obtain the measure, and we will indeed take [good] care of him.’ 63He said, ‘Should I not trust you with him just as I trusted you with his brother before? Yet Allah is the best of protectors, and He is the most merciful of merciful ones.’ 64And when they opened their baggage, they found their money restored to them. They said, ‘Father, what [more] do we want?! This is our money, restored to us! We will get provisions for our family and take care of our brother, and add another camel-load of rations. These are meagre rations.’ 65He said, ‘I will not let him go with you until you give me a [solemn] pledge by Allah that you will surely bring him back to me, unless you are made to perish.’ When they had given him their [solemn] pledge, he said, ‘Allah is witness over what we say.’ 66And he said, ‘My sons, do not enter by one gate, but enter by separate gates, though I cannot avail you anything against Allah. Sovereignty belongs only to Allah. In Him I have put my trust; and in Him let all the trusting put their trust.’ 67When they entered whence their father had bidden them, it did not avail them anything against Allah, but only fulfilled a wish in Jacob’s heart. Indeed, he had the knowledge of what We had taught him, but most people do not know. 68When they entered into the presence of Joseph, he set his brother close to himself, and said, ‘Indeed I am your brother, so do not sorrow for what they used to do.’ 69When he had furnished them with their provision, he put the drinking-cup into his brother’s saddlebag. Then a herald shouted: ‘O [men of the] caravan! You are indeed thieves!’ 70They said, as they turned towards them, ‘What are you missing?’ 71They said, ‘We miss the king’s goblet.’ ‘Whoever brings it shall have a camel-load [of grain],’ [said the steward], ‘I will guarantee that.’ 72They said, ‘By Allah! You certainly know that we did not come to make trouble in this country, and we are not thieves.’ 73They said, ‘What shall be its requital if you [prove to] be lying?’ 74They said, ‘The requital for it shall be that he in whose saddlebag it is found shall give himself over as its requital. Thus do we requite the wrongdoers.’ 75Then he began with their sacks, before [opening] his brother’s sack. Then he took it out from his brother’s sack. Thus did We devise for Joseph’s sake. He could not have held his brother under the king’s law unless Allah willed [otherwise]. We raise in rank whomever We please, and above every man of knowledge is One who knows best. 76They said, ‘If he has stolen [there is no wonder]; a brother of his had stolen before.’ Thereupon Joseph kept the matter to himself and he did not disclose it to them. He said, ‘You are in a worse state! And Allah knows best what you allege.’ 77They said, ‘O emir! Indeed, he has a father, a very old man; so take one of us in his place. Indeed we see that you are a virtuous man.’ 78He said, ‘God forbid that we should detain anyone except him with whom we found our wares, for then we would indeed be wrongdoers.’ 79When they had despaired of [moving] him, they withdrew to confer privately. The eldest of them said, ‘Don’t you know that your father has taken a [solemn] pledge from you by Allah, and earlier you have neglected your duty in regard to Joseph? So I will never leave this land until my father permits me, or Allah passes a judgement for me, and He is the best of judges. 80Go back to your father, and say, ‘‘Father! Your son has indeed committed theft, and we testified only to what we knew, and we could not have forestalled the unseen. 81Ask [the people of] the town we were in, and the caravan with which we came. We indeed speak the truth.’’ ’ 82He said, ‘No, your souls have made a matter seem decorous to you. Yet patience is graceful. Maybe Allah will bring them all [back] to me. Indeed He is the All-knowing, the All-wise.’ 83He turned away from them and said, ‘Alas for Joseph!’ His eyes had turned white with grief, and he choked with suppressed agony. 84They said, ‘By Allah! You will go on remembering Joseph until you wreck your health or perish.’ 85He said, ‘I complain of my anguish and grief only to Allah. I know from Allah what you do not know.’ 86‘Go, my sons, and look for Joseph and his brother, and do not despair of Allah’s mercy. Indeed no one despairs of Allah’s mercy except the faithless lot.’ 87Then, when they entered into his presence, they said, ‘O emir! Distress has befallen us and our family, and we have brought [just] a meagre sum. Yet grant us the full measure, and be charitable to us! Indeed Allah rewards the charitable.’ 88He said, ‘Have you realized what you did to Joseph and his brother, when you were senseless?’ 89They said, ‘Are you really Joseph?!’ He said, ‘I am Joseph, and this is my brother. Certainly Allah has shown us favour. Indeed if one is Godwary and patient Allah does not waste the reward of the virtuous.’ 90They said, ‘By Allah, Allah has certainly preferred you over us, and we have indeed been erring.’ 91He said, ‘There shall be no reproach on you today. Allah will forgive you, and He is the most merciful of the merciful. 92Take this shirt of mine, and cast it upon my father’s face; he will regain his sight, and bring me all your folks.’ 93As the caravan set off, their father said, ‘I sense the scent of Joseph, if you will not consider me a dotard.’ 94They said, ‘By God, you persist in your inveterate error.’ 95When the bearer of good news arrived, he cast it on his face, and he regained his sight. He said, ‘Did I not tell you, ‘‘I know from Allah what you do not know?’’ ’ 96They said, ‘Father! Plead [with Allah] for forgiveness of our sins! We have indeed been erring.’ 97He said, ‘I shall plead with my Lord to forgive you; indeed He is the All-forgiving, the All-merciful.’ 98When they entered into the presence of Joseph, he set his parents close to himself, and said, ‘Welcome to Egypt, in safety, God willing!’ 99And he seated his parents high upon the throne, and they fell down prostrate before him. He said, ‘Father! This is the fulfillment of my dream of long ago, which my Lord has made come true. He was certainly gracious to me when He brought me out of the prison and brought you over from the desert after that Satan had incited ill feeling between me and my brothers. Indeed my Lord is all-attentive in bringing about what He wishes. Indeed He is the All-knowing, the All-wise.’ 100

Más información

Breve descripción del Sagrado Corán disponible en este sitio.
  1. El Sagrado Corán disponible en el sitio tiene 30 Juz.
  2. El Sagrado Corán en el sitio tiene 120 Hizb.
  3. La fuente predeterminada del Sagrado Corán disponible en el sitio ha sido diseñada por el equipo de desarrollo de
  4. El texto del Corán ha sido preparado por uno de los sitios asociados, que después de obtener el consentimiento del respetado equipo de este sitio, se colocará el enlace de origen.

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El Sagrado Corán (Con fuente legible)

Hizb 49

para todos los musulmanes y personas que buscan la verdad

sitio Rojat


Imam zaman (Ajal allahu ta'ala farajaho shareef)

doaa farajHasten the reappearance

Sitio Rojat para todas las musulmanas

Sitio Rojat para todos los musulmanesSitio Rojat para todas las musulmánLos catorce infalibles




Sagrado Corán

Brújula islámica

tiempos de oración


Buscador de qibla

Allahu Akbar


Palabra del DIA

cotización diaria

Preguntas religiosas

Versos del Corán

Surah Al-Fatiha Corán

Hizb 49 Corán Juz Corán Texto completo del Corán Texto del Corán Página