Indeed Allah commands you to deliver the trusts to their [rightful] owners, and to judge with fairness when you judge between people. Excellent indeed is what Allah advises you. Indeed Allah is all-hearing, all-seeing. ﴾58﴿O you who have faith! Obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those vested with authority among you. And if you dispute concerning anything, refer it to Allah and the Apostle, if you have faith in Allah and the Last Day. That is better and more favourable in outcome. ﴾59﴿Have you not regarded those who claim that they believe in what has been sent down to you and what was sent down before you? They desire to seek the judgment of fake deities, though they were commanded to reject them, and Satan desires to lead them astray into far error. ﴾60﴿When they are told, ‘Come to what Allah has sent down and [come] to the Apostle,’ you see the hypocrites keep away from you aversely. ﴾61﴿But how will it be when an affliction visits them because of what their hands have sent ahead? Then they will come to you, swearing by Allah, ‘We desired nothing but to do good and to bring about comity.’ ﴾62﴿They are the ones whom Allah knows as to what is in their hearts. So let them alone, and advise them, and speak to them concerning themselves far-reaching words. ﴾63﴿We did not send any apostle but to be obeyed by Allah’s leave. Had they, when they wronged themselves, come to you and pleaded to Allah for forgiveness, and the Apostle had pleaded for them [to Allah]for forgiveness, they would have surely found Allah all-clement, all-merciful. ﴾64﴿But no, by your Lord! They will not believe until they make you a judge in their disputes, then do not find within their hearts any dissent to your verdict and submit in full submission. ﴾65﴿Had We prescribed for them, [commanding]: ‘Slay [the guilty among] your folks or leave your habitations,’ they would not have done it except a few of them. And if they had done as they were advised, it would have been better for them and stronger in confirming [their faith]. ﴾66﴿Then We would surely have given them from Us a great reward, ﴾67﴿and We would have guided them to a straight path. ﴾68﴿Whoever obeys Allah and the Apostle—they are with those whom Allah has blessed, including the prophets and the truthful, the martyrs and the righteous, and excellent companions are they! ﴾69﴿That is the grace of Allah, and Allah suffices as knower [of His creatures]. ﴾70﴿O you who have faith! Take your precautions, then go forth in companies, or go forth en masse. ﴾71﴿Among you is indeed he who drags his feet, and should an affliction visit you, he says, ‘It was certainly Allah’s blessing that I did not accompany them!’ ﴾72﴿But should a bounty from Allah come to you, he will say—as if there were no [tie of friendship and] affection between you and him—‘I wish I were with them so that I had achieved a great success!’ ﴾73﴿Let those who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter fight in the way of Allah; and whoever fights in the way of Allah, and then is slain, or he subdues [the enemy], We shall soon give him a great reward. ﴾74﴿Why should you not fight in the way of Allah and the oppressed men, women, and children, who say, ‘Our Lord, bring us out of this town whose people are oppressors, and appoint for us a guardian from Yourself, and appoint for us a helper from Yourself’? ﴾75﴿Those who have faith fight in the way of Allah, and those who are faithless fight in the way of fake gods. So fight the friends of Satan; indeed the stratagems of Satan are always flimsy. ﴾76﴿Have you not regarded those who were told, ‘Keep your hands off [from warfare], and maintain the prayer and give the zakat’? But when fighting was prescribed for them, behold, a part of them feared the people as if fearing Allah, or were even more afraid, and they said, ‘Our Lord! Why did You prescribe fighting for us? Why did You not respite us for a short time?!’ Say, ‘The enjoyments of this world are trifle and the Hereafter is better for the Godwary, and you will not be wronged so much as a single date-thread. ﴾77﴿Wherever you may be death will overtake you, even if you were in fortified towers.’ If any good befalls them, they say, ‘This is from Allah;’ and when an ill befalls them, they say, ‘This is from you.’ Say, ‘All is from Allah.’ What is the matter with these people that they would not understand any matter? ﴾78﴿Whatever good befalls you is from Allah; and whatever ill befalls you is from yourself. We sent you as an apostle to mankind, and Allah suffices as witness. ﴾79﴿Whoever obeys the Apostle certainly obeys Allah; and as for those who turn their backs [on you]; We have not sent you to keep watch over them. ﴾80﴿They profess obedience [to you], but when they go out from your presence, a group of them conspire overnight [to do] something other than what you say. But Allah records what they conspire overnight. So disregard them and put your trust in Allah, for Allah suffices as trustee. ﴾81﴿Do they not contemplate the Quran? Had it been from [someone] other than Allah, they would have surely found much discrepancy in it. ﴾82﴿When a report of safety or alarm comes to them, they immediately broadcast it; but had they referred it to the Apostle or to those vested with authority among them, those of them who investigate would have ascertained it. And were it not for Allah’s grace upon you and His mercy, you would have surely followed Satan, [all] except a few. ﴾83﴿So fight in the way of Allah: you are responsible only for yourself, but urge on the faithful [to fight]. Maybe Allah will curb the might of the faithless, for Allah is greatest in might and severest in punishment. ﴾84﴿Whoever intercedes for a good cause shall receive a share of it, and whoever intercedes for an evil cause shall share its burden, and Allah is prepotent over all things. ﴾85﴿When you are greeted with a salute, greet with a better one than it, or return it; indeed Allah takes account of all things. ﴾86﴿Allah—there is no god except Him—will surely gather you on the Day of Resurrection, in which there is no doubt; and who is more truthful in speech than Allah? ﴾87﴿
성 신성한 꾸란 Juz와 Hizb의 수에 관해 제기된 질문에 대해 우리는 다음을 발표해야 합니다.
The text of the Holy Quran is unchangeable, 없지만 일부 국가에서는 공통 구분과 다른 구분이 있으므로 이러한 국가에서는 Juz 또는 Hizb의 수가 이 사이트에서 사용할 수 있는 Juz 또는 Hizb의 수와 다릅니다.