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2025 January 10 | |
21 Dey 1403 |
1446 Rajab
Saturday | 44 | 1111 | 1818 | 2525 | |
Sunday | 55 | 1212 | 1919 | 2626 | |
Monday | 66 | 1313 | 2020 | 2727 | |
Tuesday | 77 | 1414 | 2121 | 2828 | |
Wednesday | 11 | 88 | 1515 | 2222 | 2929 |
Thursday | 22 | 99 | 1616 | 2323 | 3030 |
Friday | 33 | 1010 | 1717 | 2424 |
Country |
Switzerland |
City |
Geneve |
Longitude |
6.14 |
Latitude |
46.2 |
Distance to Kaaba |
4102.2 km |
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فَاَنْجَیْناٰهُ وَاَصْحاٰبَ
Then We delivered him and those who were in the Ark, and made it a sign for all the nations. 15And Abraham, when he said to his people, ‘Worship Allah and be wary of Him. That is better for you, should you know. 16
Surah Al-Ankabut Aye <15 - 16>Translate
إذا مٰاتَ الإنسٰانُ إنقَطَعَ عَمَلُهُ إلاّ مِن ثَلاٰثٍ: إلاّ بِصَدَقَةٍ جٰارِیَةٍ أو عِلمٍ یُنتَفَعُ بِهِ أو وَلَدٍ صٰالِحٍ یَدعوُ لَهُمحمد رسول اللّٰه (صلى اللّٰه عليه وآله و سلّم)
When a person dies his deeds are finished, save except in three ones: a permanent charity, a knowledge that people will benefit, and a pious child who prays for him.Rasoolullah Hazrat Muhammad (Sall-allahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam)
Mizan al-Hikmah (Scale of Wisdom), Hadith 14287Translate
From time absence Imam Mahdi (Ajal allahu ta'ala farajaho shareef) past.
1151 years 4 days
1186 years 119 days
memorize Doaa
Faraj Doaa
Reading Quranic verses for Satisfaction ALLAH and The Fourteen Infallibles (peace be upon him) and The health and Hurry up on the faraj Imam zaman (Ajal allahu ta'ala farajaho shareef)
Say salawat for Satisfaction ALLAH and The Fourteen Infallibles (peace be upon him) and The health and Hurry up on the faraj Imam zaman (Ajal allahu ta'ala farajaho shareef)
Memorize faraj duaa for Satisfaction ALLAH and The Fourteen Infallibles (peace be upon him) and The health and Hurry up on the faraj Imam zaman (Ajal allahu ta'ala farajaho shareef)
Say faraj duaa for Satisfaction ALLAH and The Fourteen Infallibles (peace be upon him) and The health and Hurry up on the faraj Imam zaman (Ajal allahu ta'ala farajaho shareef)
دُعَاءَ الْغَرِيقِ
يٰا اللّٰهُ يٰا رَحْمٰانُ يٰا رَحٖيمُ يٰا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبٖي عَلٰى دٖينِكَ
O Allah, O Merciful, O Forgiver, O One Who turner(transforms) hearts! make(Keep) my heart firm on your religion(deen).
Kamal al-din wa tamam al-ni'ma (book), Vol 2, page 512more infoTranslatePrayer time for country Switzerland
Religious questions