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Blog - Rojat site Hadith-The reward of a Mumin(believer muslim) when he is sick in the words of the Rasoolullah Hazrat Muhammad (Sall-allahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam)

Hadith-The reward of a Mumin(believer muslim) when he is sick in the words of the Rasoolullah Hazrat Muhammad (Sall-allahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam)

The groan of a sick believer is God`s praise, his shout is the mention of La ilaha illa Allah and his resting in the bed is prayer.Rasoolullah Hazrat Muhammad (Sall-allahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam)

أنِینُ المُؤمِنِ المَریضِ تَسبِیحٌ، و صِیاحُهُ تَهلِیلٌ، و نَومُهُ عَلَی الفِراشِ عِبادَةٌ. The groan of a sick believer is God`s praise, his shout is the mention of La ilaha illa Allah and his resting in the bed is prayer.

Bihar al-Anwar, Vol 77, Hadith 57 
Rasul Allah Hazrat Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his progeny)Hadith