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اِلَیْهِ یُرَدُّ عِلْمُ السّاٰعَةِۚ وَماٰ تَخْرُجُ مِنْ ثَمَراٰتٍ مِنْ اَكْماٰمِهاٰ وَماٰ تَحْمِلُ مِنْ اُنْثٰی وَلاٰ تَضَعُ اِلّاٰ بِعِلْمِهٖۚ وَیَوْمَ یُناٰدٖیهِمْ اَیْنَ شُرَكآٰئٖی قاٰلُوٓا ءاٰذَنّاٰكَ ماٰمِنّاٰ مِنْ شَهٖیدٍ۝٤٧۝وَضَلَّ عَنْهُمْ ماٰ كاٰنُوا یَدْعُونَ مِنْ قَبْلُۖ وَظَنُّوا ماٰ لَهُمْ مِنْ مَحٖیصٍ۝٤٨۝لاٰ یَسْئَمُ الْاِنْساٰنُ مِنْ دُعآٰءِ الْخَیْرِ وَاِنْ مَسَّهُ الشَّرُّ فَیَـئُوسٌ قَنُوطٌ۝٤٩۝وَلَئِنْ اَذَقْناٰهُ رَحْمَةً مِنّاٰ مِنْ بَعْدِ ضَرّآٰءَ مَسَّتْهُ لَیَقُولَنَّ هٰذاٰ لٖی وَمآٰ اَظُنُّ السّاٰعَةَ قآٰئِمَةً وَلَئِنْ رُجِعْتُ اِلٰی رَبّٖیٓ اِنَّ لٖی عِنْدَهُۥ لَلْحُسْنٰیۚ فَلَنُنَبِّئَنَّ الَّذٖینَ كَفَرُوا بِماٰ عَمِلُوا وَلَنُذٖیقَنَّهُمْ مِنْ عَذاٰبٍ غَلٖیظٍ۝٥٠۝وَاِذآٰ اَنْعَمْناٰ عَلَی الْاِنْساٰنِ اَعْرَضَ وَنَـأٰبِجاٰنِبِهٖ وَاِذاٰ مَسَّهُ الشَّرُّ فَذُو دُعآٰءٍ عَرٖیضٍ۝٥١۝قُلْ اَرَاَیْتُمْ اِنْ كاٰنَ مِنْ عِنْدِ اللّٰهِ ثُمَّ كَفَرْتُمْ بِهٖ مَنْ اَضَلُّ مِمَّنْ هُوَ فٖی شِقاٰقٍ بَعٖیدٍ۝٥٢۝سَنُرٖیهِمْ ءاٰیاٰتِناٰ فِی الْءاٰفاٰقِ وَفٖیٓ اَنْفُسِهِمْ حَتّٰی یَتَبَیَّنَ لَهُمْ اَنَّهُ الْحَقُّۗ اَوَلَمْ یَكْفِ بِرَبِّكَ اَنَّهُۥ عَلٰی كُلِّ شَیْءٍ شَهٖیدٌ۝٥٣۝اَلآٰ اِنَّهُمْ فٖی مِرْیَةٍ مِنْ لِقآٰءِ رَبِّهِمْۗ اَلآٰ اِنَّهُۥ بِكُلِّ شَیْءٍ مُحٖیطٌ۝٥٤۝سُورَةُ الشُّورٰىالمكية53بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحٖیمِحمٓ۝١۝عٓسٓقٓ۝٢۝كَذٰلِكَ یُوحٖیٓ اِلَیْكَ وَاِلَی الَّذٖینَ مِنْ قَبْلِكَ اللّٰهُ الْعَزٖیزُ الْحَكٖیمُ۝٣۝لَهُۥ ماٰ فِی السَّمٰواٰتِ وَماٰ فِی الْاَرْضِۖ وَهُوَ الْعَلِیُّ الْعَظٖیمُ۝٤۝تَكاٰدُ السَّمٰواٰتُ یَتَفَطَّرْنَ مِنْ فَوْقِهِنَّۚ وَالْمَلآٰئِكَةُ یُسَبِّحُونَ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّهِمْ وَیَسْتَغْفِرُونَ لِمَنْ فِی الْاَرْضِۗ اَلآٰ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحٖیمُ۝٥۝وَالَّذٖینَ اتَّخَذُوا مِنْ دُونِهٖٓ اَوْلِیآٰءَ اللّٰهُ حَفٖیظٌ عَلَیْهِمْ وَمآٰ اَنْتَ عَلَیْهِمْ بِوَكٖیلٍ۝٦۝وَكَذٰلِكَ اَوْحَیْنآٰ اِلَیْكَ قُرْءاٰنًا عَرَبِیًّا لِتُنْذِرَ اُمَّ الْقُرٰی وَمَنْ حَوْلَهاٰ وَتُنْذِرَ یَوْمَ الْجَمْعِ لاٰ رَیْبَ فٖیهِۚ فَرٖیقٌ فِی الْجَنَّةِ وَفَرٖیقٌ فِی السَّعٖیرِ۝٧۝وَلَوْ شآٰءَ اللّٰهُ لَجَعَلَهُمْ اُمَّةً واٰحِدَةً وَلٰكِنْ یُدْخِلُ مَنْ یَشآٰءُ فٖی رَحْمَتِهٖۚ وَالظّاٰلِمُونَ ماٰ لَهُمْ مِنْ وَلِیٍّ وَلاٰ نَصٖیرٍ۝٨۝اَمِ اتَّخَذُوا مِنْ دُونِهٖٓ اَوْلِیآٰءَۖ فَاللّٰهُ هُوَ الْوَلِیُّ وَهُوَ یُحْیِی الْمَوْتٰی وَهُوَ عَلٰی كُلِّ شَیْءٍ قَدٖیرٌ۝٩۝وَمَا اخْتَلَفْتُمْ فٖیهِ مِنْ شَیْءٍ فَحُكْمُهُۥٓ اِلَی اللّٰهِۚ ذٰلِكُمُ اللّٰهُ رَبّٖی عَلَیْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَاِلَیْهِ اُنٖیبُ۝١٠۝فاٰطِرُ السَّمٰواٰتِ وَالْاَرْضِۚ جَعَلَ لَكُمْ مِنْ اَنْفُسِكُمْ اَزْواٰجًا وَمِنَ الْاَنْعاٰمِ اَزْواٰجًا یَذْرَؤُكُمْ فٖیهِۚ لَیْسَ كَمِثْلِهٖ شَیْءٌۖ وَهُوَ السَّمٖیعُ الْبَصٖیرُ۝١١۝لَهُۥ مَقاٰلٖیدُ السَّمٰواٰتِ وَالْاَرْضِۖ یَبْسُطُ الرِّزْقَ لِمَنْ یَشآٰءُ وَیَقْدِرُۚ اِنَّهُۥ بِكُلِّ شَیْءٍ عَلٖیمٌ۝١٢۝شَرَعَ لَكُمْ مِنَ الدّٖینِ ماٰ وَصّٰی بِهٖ نُوحًا وَالَّذٖیٓ اَوْحَیْنآٰ اِلَیْكَ وَماٰ وَصَّیْناٰ بِهٖٓ اِبْراٰهٖیمَ وَمُوسٰی وَعٖیسٰٓیۖ اَنْ اَقٖیمُوا الدّٖینَ وَلاٰ تَتَفَرَّقُوا فٖیهِۚ كَبُرَ عَلَی الْمُشْرِكٖینَ ماٰ تَدْعُوهُمْ اِلَیْهِۚ ٱَللّٰهُ یَجْتَبٖیٓ اِلَیْهِ مَنْ یَشآٰءُ وَیَهْدٖیٓ اِلَیْهِ مَنْ یُنٖیبُ۝١٣۝وَماٰ تَفَرَّقُوٓا اِلّاٰ مِنْ بَعْدِ ماٰ جآٰءَهُمُ الْعِلْمُ بَغْیًا بَیْنَهُمْۚ وَلَوْلاٰ كَلِمَةٌ سَبَقَتْ مِنْ رَبِّكَ اِلٰٓی اَجَلٍ مُسَمًّی لَقُضِیَ بَیْنَهُمْۚ وَاِنَّ الَّذٖینَ اُورِثُوا الْكِتاٰبَ مِنْ بَعْدِهِمْ لَفٖی شَكٍّ مِنْهُ مُرٖیبٍ۝١٤۝فَلِذٰلِكَ فَادْعُۖ وَاسْتَقِمْ كَمآٰ اُمِرْتَۖ وَلاٰ تَتَّبِعْ اَهْوآٰءَهُمْۖ وَقُلْ ءاٰمَنْتُ بِمآٰ اَنْزَلَ اللّٰهُ مِنْ كِتاٰبٍۖ وَاُمِرْتُ لِاَعْدِلَ بَیْنَكُمُۖ ٱَللّٰهُ رَبُّناٰ وَرَبُّكُمْۖ لَنآٰ اَعْماٰلُناٰ وَلَكُمْ اَعْماٰلُكُمْۖ لاٰ حُجَّةَ بَیْنَناٰ وَبَیْنَكُمُۖ ٱَللّٰهُ یَجْمَعُ بَیْنَناٰۖ وَاِلَیْهِ الْمَصٖیرُ۝١٥۝وَالَّذٖینَ یُحآٰجُّونَ فِی اللّٰهِ مِنْ بَعْدِ مَا اسْتُجٖیبَ لَهُۥ حُجَّتُهُمْ داٰحِضَةٌ عِنْدَ رَبِّهِمْ وَعَلَیْهِمْ غَضَبٌ وَلَهُمْ عَذاٰبٌ شَدٖیدٌ۝١٦۝ٱَللّٰهُ الَّذٖیٓ اَنْزَلَ الْكِتاٰبَ بِالْحَقِّ وَالْمٖیزاٰنَۗ وَماٰ یُدْرٖیكَ لَعَلَّ السّاٰعَةَ قَرٖیبٌ۝١٧۝یَسْتَعْجِلُ بِهَا الَّذٖینَ لاٰ یُؤْمِنُونَ بِهاٰۖ وَالَّذٖینَ ءاٰمَنُوا مُشْفِقُونَ مِنْهاٰ وَیَعْلَمُونَ اَنَّهَا الْحَقُّۗ اَلآٰ اِنَّ الَّذٖینَ یُماٰرُونَ فِی السّاٰعَةِ لَفٖی ضَلاٰلٍ بَعٖیدٍ۝١٨۝ٱَللّٰهُ لَطٖیفٌ بِعِباٰدِهٖ یَرْزُقُ مَنْ یَشآٰءُۖ وَهُوَ الْقَوِیُّ الْعَزٖیزُ۝١٩۝مَنْ كاٰنَ یُرٖیدُ حَرْثَ الْءاٰخِرَةِ نَزِدْ لَهُۥ فٖی حَرْثِهٖۖ وَمَنْ كاٰنَ یُرٖیدُ حَرْثَ الدُّنْیاٰ نُؤْتِهٖ مِنْهاٰ وَماٰ لَهُۥ فِی الْءاٰخِرَةِ مِنْ نَصٖیبٍ۝٢٠۝اَمْ لَهُمْ شُرَكٰٓؤُا شَرَعُوا لَهُمْ مِنَ الدّٖینِ ماٰ لَمْ یَأْذَنْ بِهِ اللّٰهُۚ وَلَوْلاٰ كَلِمَةُ الْفَصْلِ لَقُضِیَ بَیْنَهُمْۗ وَاِنَّ الظّاٰلِمٖینَ لَهُمْ عَذاٰبٌ اَلٖیمٌ۝٢١۝تَرَی الظّاٰلِمٖینَ مُشْفِقٖینَ مِمّاٰ كَسَبُوا وَهُوَ واٰقِعٌ بِهِمْۗ وَالَّذٖینَ ءاٰمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصّاٰلِحاٰتِ فٖی رَوْضاٰتِ الْجَنّاٰتِۖ لَهُمْ ماٰ یَشآٰءُونَ عِنْدَ رَبِّهِمْۚ ذٰلِكَ هُوَ الْفَضْلُ الْكَبٖیرُ۝٢٢۝ذٰلِكَ الَّذٖی یُبَشِّرُ اللّٰهُ عِباٰدَهُ الَّذٖینَ ءاٰمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصّاٰلِحاٰتِۗ قُلْ لآٰ اَسْئَلُكُمْ عَلَیْهِ اَجْرًا اِلَّا الْمَوَدَّةَ فِی الْقُرْبٰیۗ وَمَنْ یَقْتَرِفْ حَسَنَةً نَزِدْ لَهُۥ فٖیهاٰ حُسْنًاۚ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ غَفُورٌ شَكُورٌ۝٢٣۝اَمْ یَقُولُونَ افْتَرٰی عَلَی اللّٰهِ كَذِبًاۖ فَاِنْ یَشَاِ اللّٰهُ یَخْتِمْ عَلٰی قَلْبِكَۗ وَیَمْحُ اللّٰهُ الْباٰطِلَ وَیُحِقُّ الْحَقَّ بِكَلِماٰتِهٖٓۚ اِنَّهُۥ عَلٖیمٌ بِذاٰتِ الصُّدُورِ۝٢٤۝وَهُوَ الَّذٖی یَقْبَلُ التَّوْبَةَ عَنْ عِباٰدِهٖ وَیَعْفُوا عَنِ السَّیِّئاٰتِ وَیَعْلَمُ ماٰ تَفْعَلُونَ۝٢٥۝وَیَسْتَجٖیبُ الَّذٖینَ ءاٰمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصّاٰلِحاٰتِ وَیَزٖیدُهُمْ مِنْ فَضْلِهٖۚ وَالْكاٰفِرُونَ لَهُمْ عَذاٰبٌ شَدٖیدٌ۝٢٦۝

On Him devolves the knowledge of the Hour, and no fruit emerges from its covering and no female conceives or delivers except with His knowledge. On the day when He will call out to them, ‘Where are My ‘partners’?’ They will say, ‘We informed You that there is no witness amongst us.’ ﴾47﴿What they used to invoke before has forsaken them, and they know there is no escape for them. ﴾48﴿Man is never wearied of supplicating for good, and should any ill befall him, he becomes hopeless and despondent. ﴾49﴿If, after distress has befallen him, We let him have a taste of Our mercy, he says, ‘This is my due! I do not think the Hour will ever come, and in case I am returned to my Lord, I will indeed have the best [reward] with Him.’ So We will surely inform the faithless about what they have done, and will surely make them taste a harsh punishment. ﴾50﴿When We bless man, he is disregardful and turns aside; but when an ill befalls him, he makes protracted supplications. ﴾51﴿Say, ‘Tell me, if it is from Allah and you disbelieve in it, who will be more astray than those who are in extreme defiance.’ ﴾52﴿Soon We shall show them Our signs in the horizons and in their own souls until it becomes clear to them that He is the Real. Is it not sufficient that your Lord is witness to all things? ﴾53﴿Indeed, they are in doubt about the encounter with their Lord! Indeed, He embraces all things! ﴾54﴿Surah Ash-ShuraMakiha53In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.Ha, Meem, ﴾1﴿‘Ayn, Seen, Qaf. ﴾2﴿Allah, the All-mighty and the All-wise, thus reveals to you and to those who were before you: ﴾3﴿whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth belongs to Him, and He is the All-exalted, the All-supreme. ﴾4﴿The heavens are about to be rent apart from above them, while the angels celebrate the praise of their Lord and plead for forgiveness for those [faithful] who are on the earth. Indeed, Allah is the All-forgiving, the All-merciful! ﴾5﴿As for those who have taken awliya besides Him, Allah is watchful over them, and you are not their keeper. ﴾6﴿Thus have We revealed to you an Arabic Quran that you may warn [the people of] the Mother of the Towns and those around it, and warn [them] of the Day of Gathering, in which there is no doubt, [whereupon] a part [of mankind] will be in paradise and a part will be in the Blaze. ﴾7﴿Had Allah wished, He would have surely made them one community; but He admits whomever He wishes into His mercy, and the wrongdoers do not have any guardian or helper. ﴾8﴿Have they taken awliya besides Him? [Say,] ‘It is Allah, who is the [true] Wali, and He revives the dead, and He has power over all things. ﴾9﴿Whatever thing you may differ about, its judgement is with Allah. That is Allah, my Lord. In Him, I have put my trust, and to Him do I turn penitently. ﴾10﴿The originator of the heavens and the earth, He made for you mates from your own selves, and mates of the cattle, by which means He multiplies you. Nothing is like Him, and He is the All-hearing, the All-seeing. ﴾11﴿To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth: He expands the provision for whomever He wishes, and tightens it [for whomever He wishes]. Indeed He has knowledge of all things.’ ﴾12﴿He has prescribed for you the religion which He had enjoined upon Noah and which We have [also] revealed to you, and which We had enjoined upon Abraham, Moses and Jesus, declaring, ‘Maintain the religion, and do not be divided in it.’ Hard on the polytheists is that to which you summon them. Allah chooses for it whomever He wishes, and He guides to it whomever returns penitently [to Him]. ﴾13﴿They did not divide [into sects] except after the knowledge had come to them, out of envy among themselves; and were it not for a prior decree of your Lord [granting them reprieve] until a specified time, decision would have been made between them. Indeed those who were made heirs to the Book after them are in grave doubt concerning it. ﴾14﴿So summon to this [unity of religion], and be steadfast, just as you have been commanded, and do not follow their desires, and say, ‘I believe in whatever Book Allah has sent down. I have been commanded to do justice among you. Allah is our Lord and your Lord. Our deeds belong to us and your deeds belong to you. There is no quarrel between us and you. Allah will bring us together and toward Him is the destination.’ ﴾15﴿Those who argue concerning Allah, after His call has been answered, their argument stands refuted with their Lord, and upon them shall be [His] wrath, and there is a severe punishment for them. ﴾16﴿It is Allah who has sent down the Book with the truth and [He has sent down] the Balance. What do you know—maybe the Hour is near! ﴾17﴿Those who do not believe in it ask [you] to hasten it, but those who have faith are apprehensive of it, and know that it is true. Indeed those who are in doubt about the Hour are in extreme error! ﴾18﴿Allah is all-attentive to His servants. He provides for whomever He wishes, and He is the All-strong, the All-mighty. ﴾19﴿Whoever desires the tillage of the Hereafter, We will enhance for him his tillage, and whoever desires the tillage of the world, We will give it to him, but he will have no share in the Hereafter. ﴾20﴿Do they have deities [besides Allah] who have ordained for them a religion not permitted by Allah? Were it not for a [prior] conclusive word, judgement would have been made between them, and indeed a painful punishment awaits the wrongdoers. ﴾21﴿When it is about to befall them, You will see the wrongdoers fearful because of what they have earned; but those who have faith and do righteous deeds will be in the gardens of paradise: they will have whatever they wish near their Lord. That is the mighty grace. ﴾22﴿Such is the good news that Allah gives to His servants who have faith and do righteous deeds! Say, ‘I do not ask you any reward for it except the love of [my] relatives.’ Whoever performs a good deed, We shall enhance its goodness for him. Indeed Allah is all-forgiving, all-appreciative. ﴾23﴿Do they say, ‘He has fabricated a lie against Allah’? If so, should Allah wish He would set a seal on your heart, and Allah will efface the falsehood and confirm the truth with His words. Indeed He knows well what is in the breasts. ﴾24﴿It is He who accepts the repentance of His servants, and excuses their misdeeds and knows what you do. ﴾25﴿He answers [the supplications of] those who have faith and do righteous deeds and enhances them out of His grace. But as for the faithless, there is a severe punishment for them. ﴾26﴿

Acceso a la lista de Sura, Juz y Hizb del Sagrado Corán

En cuanto a las preguntas planteadas sobre el número de Juz y Hizb del Sagrado Corán, debemos anunciar:
El texto del Sagrado Corán es inmutable, pero en algunos países tienen una división diferente a la división común, por lo que en estos países el número de Juz o Hizb es diferente al número de Juz o Hizb disponible en este sitio.

  1. El Sagrado Corán disponible en el sitio tiene 30 Juz.
  2. El Sagrado Corán en el sitio tiene 120 Hizb.
  3. La fuente predeterminada del Sagrado Corán disponible en el sitio ha sido diseñada por el equipo de desarrollo de
  4. El texto del Corán, junto con el ʾIʿrab y las letras silenciosas, fue preparado por uno de los sitios asociados, que después de obtener el consentimiento del respetado equipo de este sitio, se colocará el enlace de la fuente.
  • Ordenar por:

  • Sura
  • Juz
  • Hizb
1Hizb 12Hizb 23Hizb 34Hizb 45Hizb 56Hizb 67Hizb 78Hizb 89Hizb 910Hizb 1011Hizb 1112Hizb 1213Hizb 1314Hizb 1415Hizb 1516Hizb 1617Hizb 1718Hizb 1819Hizb 1920Hizb 2021Hizb 2122Hizb 2223Hizb 2324Hizb 2425Hizb 2526Hizb 2627Hizb 2728Hizb 2829Hizb 2930Hizb 3031Hizb 3132Hizb 3233Hizb 3334Hizb 3435Hizb 3536Hizb 3637Hizb 3738Hizb 3839Hizb 3940Hizb 4041Hizb 4142Hizb 4243Hizb 4344Hizb 4445Hizb 4546Hizb 4647Hizb 4748Hizb 4849Hizb 4950Hizb 5051Hizb 5152Hizb 5253Hizb 5354Hizb 5455Hizb 5556Hizb 5657Hizb 5758Hizb 5859Hizb 5960Hizb 6061Hizb 6162Hizb 6263Hizb 6364Hizb 6465Hizb 6566Hizb 6667Hizb 6768Hizb 6869Hizb 6970Hizb 7071Hizb 7172Hizb 7273Hizb 7374Hizb 7475Hizb 7576Hizb 7677Hizb 7778Hizb 7879Hizb 7980Hizb 8081Hizb 8182Hizb 8283Hizb 8384Hizb 8485Hizb 8586Hizb 8687Hizb 8788Hizb 8889Hizb 8990Hizb 9091Hizb 9192Hizb 9293Hizb 9394Hizb 9495Hizb 9596Hizb 9697Hizb 9798Hizb 9899Hizb 99100Hizb 100101Hizb 101102Hizb 102103Hizb 103104Hizb 104105Hizb 105106Hizb 106107Hizb 107108Hizb 108109Hizb 109110Hizb 110111Hizb 111112Hizb 112113Hizb 113114Hizb 114115Hizb 115116Hizb 116117Hizb 117118Hizb 118119Hizb 119120Hizb 120