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Скачать - Сайт Rojat Download Quranic font muhammad(saww)

Download Quranic font muhammad(saww)

Download Quranic font muhammad(saww). Easy, comfortable and clear font with perfect signs suitable for the Holy Quran and the hadiths of Allah and the fourteen infalliblesIslamic Quranic font of Hazrat Mohammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)array(Abbreviation name Muhammad(saww)) with the aim of designing a font that has the following two conditions:
  1. A font that is easy, comfortable and clear to read and write.
  2. Full support for Quranic text and marks.
Insha'Allah, with the help of Allah and the support of 14 infallibles, the font Muhammad(saww) has reached this point.
The Holy Quran