Allah has said, ‘Do not worship two gods. Indeed He is the One God, so be in awe of Me [alone].’ ﴾51﴿To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth, and to Him belongs the enduring religion. Will you, then, be wary of other than Allah? ﴾52﴿Whatever blessing you have is from Allah, and when a distress befalls you, you make entreaties to Him. ﴾53﴿Then, when He removes the distress from you—behold, a part of them ascribe partners to their Lord, ﴾54﴿being unthankful for what We have given them. So let them enjoy. Soon they shall know! ﴾55﴿They assign a share in what We have provided them to what they do not know. By Allah, you will surely be questioned concerning what you used to fabricate. ﴾56﴿And they attribute daughters to Allah—immaculate is He—while they will have what they desire! ﴾57﴿When one of them is brought the news of a female [newborn], his face becomes darkened, and he chokes with suppressed agony. ﴾58﴿He hides from the people out of distress at the news he has been brought: shall he retain it in humiliation, or bury it in the ground! Behold! Evil is the judgement that they make. ﴾59﴿There is an evil description for those who do not believe in the Hereafter, and the loftiest description belongs to Allah, and He is the All-mighty, the All-wise. ﴾60﴿Were Allah to take mankind to task for their wrongdoing, He would not leave any living being upon it. But He respites them until a specified time; so when their time comes they shall not defer it by a single hour nor shall they advance it. ﴾61﴿They attribute to Allah what they dislike [for themselves], and their tongues assert the lie that the best of rewards [in the Hereafter] will be theirs. Undoubtedly, the Fire shall be their lot and they will be foremost [in entering it]. ﴾62﴿By Allah, We have certainly sent [apostles] to nations before you. But Satan made their deeds seem decorous to them. So he is their master today and there is a painful punishment for them. ﴾63﴿We did not send down the Book to you except [for the purpose] that you may clarify for them what they differ about, and as a guidance and mercy for a people who have faith. ﴾64﴿Allah sends down water from the sky with which He revives the earth after its death. There is indeed a sign in that for a people who listen. ﴾65﴿There is indeed a lesson for you in the cattle: We give you a drink pleasant to those who drink, pure milk, which is in their bellies, between [intestinal] waste and blood. ﴾66﴿From the fruits of date palms and vines you draw wine and goodly provision. There are indeed signs in that for people who exercise their reason. ﴾67﴿And your Lord inspired the bee [saying]: ‘Make your home in the mountains, and on the trees and the trellises that they erect. ﴾68﴿Then eat from every [kind of] fruit and follow meekly the ways of your Lord.’ There issues from its belly a juice of diverse hues, in which there is a cure for the people. There is indeed a sign in that for a people who reflect. ﴾69﴿Allah has created you, then He takes you away, and there are some among you who are relegated to the nethermost age so that he knows nothing after [having possessed] some knowledge. Indeed Allah is all-knowing, all-powerful. ﴾70﴿Allah has granted some of you an advantage over others in [respect of] provision. Those who have been granted an advantage do not give over their provision to their slaves so that they become equal in its respect. What, do they deny the blessing of Allah? ﴾71﴿Allah made for you mates from your own selves and appointed for you children and grandchildren from your mates, and We provided you with all the good things. What, do they believe in falsehood while they deny the blessing of Allah? ﴾72﴿They worship besides Allah what has no power to provide them with anything from the heavens and the earth, nor are they capable [of anything]. ﴾73﴿So do not draw comparisons for Allah: indeed Allah knows and you do not know. ﴾74﴿Allah draws a parable: a slave owned [by his master] who has no power over anything, and another one [a free man] whom We have provided a goodly provision and who spends out of it secretly and openly. Are they equal? All praise belongs to Allah. But most of them do not know. ﴾75﴿Allah draws [another] parable: Two men, one of whom is dumb, having no power over anything and who is a liability to his master: wherever he directs him he does not bring any good. Is he equal to someone who enjoins justice and is [steady] on a straight path? ﴾76﴿To Allah belongs the Unseen of the heavens and the earth. The matter of the Hour is just like the twinkling of an eye, or [even] swifter. Indeed Allah has power over all things. ﴾77﴿Allah has brought you forth from the bellies of your mothers while you did not know anything. He made for you hearing, eyesight, and hearts so that you may give thanks. ﴾78﴿Have they not regarded the birds disposed in the air of the sky: no one sustains them except Allah. There are indeed signs in that for a people who have faith. ﴾79﴿It is Allah who has made your homes as a place of rest for you and He made for you homes out of the skins of the cattle which you find portable on the day of your shifting and on the day of your halt, and out of their wool, fur and hair [He has appointed] furniture and wares [enduring] for a while. ﴾80﴿It is Allah who made for you the shade from what He has created, and made for you retreats in the mountains, and made for you garments that protect you from heat, and garments that protect you from your [mutual] violence. That is how He completes His blessing upon you so that you may submit [to Him]. ﴾81﴿But if they turn their backs [on you], your duty is only to communicate in clear terms. ﴾82﴿They recognize the blessing of Allah and then deny it, and most of them are faithless. ﴾83﴿The day We shall raise a witness from every nation, the faithless will not be permitted [to speak], nor will they be asked to propitiate [Allah]. ﴾84﴿And when the wrongdoers sight the punishment, it shall not be lightened for them, nor will they be granted any respite. ﴾85﴿When the polytheists sight their partners, they will say, ‘Our Lord! These are our partners whom we used to invoke besides You.’ But they will retort to them, ‘You are indeed liars!’ ﴾86﴿They will submit to Allah on that day, and what they used to fabricate will forsake them. ﴾87﴿Those who are faithless and bar from the way of Allah—We shall add punishment to their punishment because of the corruption they used to cause. ﴾88﴿The day We raise in every nation a witness against them from among themselves, We shall bring you as a witness against these. We have sent down the Book to you as a clarification of all things and as guidance, mercy and good news for the Muslims. ﴾89﴿
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The text of the Holy Quran is unchangeable, 없지만 일부 국가에서는 공통 구분과 다른 구분이 있으므로 이러한 국가에서는 Juz 또는 Hizb의 수가 이 사이트에서 사용할 수 있는 Juz 또는 Hizb의 수와 다릅니다.