Request from all person Help save the children, women and men of Yemeni and Palestine. Please help by publishing your photos and writings in any way to break the siege and help the oppressed people of these two countries.
Al-'Ahd Duaa (Arabic:دعاء العهد) is a supplication narrated from Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) and there, re-allegiance with Hujjat Allah ibn al-Hasan Imam al-Mahdi (Ajal allahu ta'ala farajaho shareef) and praying for his return are mentioned. Recitation of this supplication during the occultation of Imam al-Mahdi (Ajal allahu ta'ala farajaho shareef) has been greatly emphasized. It is sa
Ziyara Ashura (Arabic:زيارة عاشوراء) is for the ziyara of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) and other martyrs of Karbala on the day of Ashura. this Ziyaratnameh is a Qudsi Hadith and it was narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (peace be upon him). the document of this ziyara has been considered correct and does not need to be checked. ziyara Ashura is one of the ziyaras that are recommended in the sireh and speech of the
Du'a' al-Faraj (Arabic: دعاء الفرج) [supplication for relief] is a supplication which begins with the phrase «إلهی عَظُمَ البَلاء» [O my God! Adversities have escalated!]. This supplication was first mentioned in the book of "Kunooz al-Najaah" by Shaykh Tabarsi[the renowned commentator of the Holy Quran] and it has been quoted in works such as Wasa'il al-Shi'a (by Al-Shaykh al-Hurr al-'Amili) and Jam
per tutti i musulmani e le persone che cercano la verità
Sito Rojat
Rajat Imam zaman (Ajal allahu ta'ala farajaho shareef)
Duaa Faraj
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