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Blog - Site Rojat Hadith-Salat al-jama'ah (Congregational Prayer) in the words of the Rasoolullah Hazrat Muhammad (Sall-allahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam)

Hadith-Salat al-jama'ah (Congregational Prayer) in the words of the Rasoolullah Hazrat Muhammad (Sall-allahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam)

صَلاةُ الرَّجُلِ فِي جَمَاعَةٍ خَيْرٌ مِنْ صَلاتِهِ فِي بَيْتِهِ أرْبَعِينَ سَنَةً.

Rasul Allah Hazrat Muhammad (La paix et les bénédictions d'Allah soient sur lui et sa progéniture)Hadith