Surah Al-AdiyatMakiha11In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.By the snorting chargers, ﴾1﴿by the strikers of sparks [with their hoofs], ﴾2﴿by the raiders at dawn, ﴾3﴿raising therein a trail of dust, ﴾4﴿and cleaving therein a host! ﴾5﴿Indeed man is ungrateful to his Lord, ﴾6﴿and indeed he is [himself] witness to that! ﴾7﴿And indeed he is an avid lover of wealth. ﴾8﴿Does he not know, when what is [buried] in the graves is turned over, ﴾9﴿and what is [concealed] in the breasts is divulged, ﴾10﴿on that day their Lord will be well informed about them [and their deeds]? ﴾11﴿
关于神圣的《古兰经》的 Juz 和 Hizb 数量的问题,我们必须宣布:
神圣的《古兰经》的文本是不可改变的,但在某些国家,它们的划分与通用划分不同,因此在这些国家,Juz 或 Hizb 的数量与本网站上提供的 Juz 或 Hizb 数量不同。