Free palestine

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신성한 꾸란 (읽을 수 있는 글꼴로)

وَاَقْسَمُوا بِاللّٰهِ جَهْدَ اَیْماٰنِهِمْ لَئِنْ اَمَرْتَهُمْ لَیَخْرُجُنَّۖ قُلْ لاٰ تُقْسِمُواۖ طاٰعَةٌ مَعْرُوفَةٌۚ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ خَبٖیرٌ بِماٰ تَعْمَلُونَ۝٥٣۝قُلْ اَطٖیعُوا اللّٰهَ وَاَطٖیعُوا الرَّسُولَۖ فَاِنْ تَوَلَّوْا فَاِنَّماٰ عَلَیْهِ ماٰ حُمِّلَ وَعَلَیْكُمْ ماٰ حُمِّلْتُمْۖ وَاِنْ تُطٖیعُوهُ تَهْتَدُواۚ وَماٰ عَلَی الرَّسُولِ اِلَّا الْبَلاٰغُ الْمُبٖینُ۝٥٤۝وَعَدَ اللّٰهُ الَّذٖینَ ءاٰمَنُوا مِنْكُمْ وَعَمِلُوا الصّاٰلِحاٰتِ لَیَسْتَخْلِفَنَّهُمْ فِی الْاَرْضِ كَمَا اسْتَخْلَفَ الَّذٖینَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ وَلَیُمَكِّنَنَّ لَهُمْ دٖینَهُمُ الَّذِی ارْتَضٰی لَهُمْ وَلَیُبَدِّلَنَّهُمْ مِنْ بَعْدِ خَوْفِهِمْ اَمْنًاۚ یَعْبُدُونَنٖی لاٰ یُشْرِكُونَ بٖی شَیْئًاۚ وَمَنْ كَفَرَ بَعْدَ ذٰلِكَ فَاُولٰٓئِكَ هُمُ الْفاٰسِقُونَ۝٥٥۝وَاَقٖیمُوا الصَّلٰوةَ وَءاٰتُوا الزَّكٰوةَ وَاَطٖیعُوا الرَّسُولَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ۝٥٦۝لاٰ تَحْسَبَنَّ الَّذٖینَ كَفَرُوا مُعْجِزٖینَ فِی الْاَرْضِۚ وَمَأْوٰىهُمُ النّاٰرُۖ وَلَبِئْسَ الْمَصٖیرُ۝٥٧۝یآٰ اَیُّهَا الَّذٖینَ ءاٰمَنُوا لِیَسْتَأْذِنْكُمُ الَّذٖینَ مَلَكَتْ اَیْماٰنُكُمْ وَالَّذٖینَ لَمْ یَبْلُغُوا الْحُلُمَ مِنْكُمْ ثَلاٰثَ مَرّاٰتٍۚ مِنْ قَبْلِ صَلٰوةِ الْفَجْرِ وَحٖینَ تَضَعُونَ ثِیاٰبَكُمْ مِنَ الظَّهٖیرَةِ وَمِنْ بَعْدِ صَلٰوةِ الْعِشآٰءِۚ ثَلاٰثُ عَوْراٰتٍ لَكُمْۚ لَیْسَ عَلَیْكُمْ وَلاٰ عَلَیْهِمْ جُناٰحٌ بَعْدَهُنَّۚ طَوّاٰفُونَ عَلَیْكُمْ بَعْضُكُمْ عَلٰی بَعْضٍۚ كَذٰلِكَ یُبَیِّنُ اللّٰهُ لَكُمُ الْءاٰیاٰتِۗ وَاللّٰهُ عَلٖیمٌ حَكٖیمٌ۝٥٨۝وَاِذاٰ بَلَغَ الْاَطْفاٰلُ مِنْكُمُ الْحُلُمَ فَلْیَسْتَأْذِنُوا كَمَا اسْتَأْذَنَ الَّذٖینَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْۚ كَذٰلِكَ یُبَیِّنُ اللّٰهُ لَكُمْ ءاٰیاٰتِهٖۗ وَاللّٰهُ عَلٖیمٌ حَكٖیمٌ۝٥٩۝وَالْقَواٰعِدُ مِنَ النِّسآٰءِ اللّاٰتٖی لاٰ یَرْجُونَ نِكاٰحًا فَلَیْسَ عَلَیْهِنَّ جُناٰحٌ اَنْ یَضَعْنَ ثِیاٰبَهُنَّ غَیْرَ مُتَبَرِّجاٰتٍ بِزٖینَةٍۖ وَاَنْ یَسْتَعْفِفْنَ خَیْرٌ لَهُنَّۗ وَاللّٰهُ سَمٖیعٌ عَلٖیمٌ۝٦٠۝لَیْسَ عَلَی الْاَعْمٰی حَرَجٌ وَلاٰ عَلَی الْاَعْرَجِ حَرَجٌ وَلاٰ عَلَی الْمَرٖیضِ حَرَجٌ وَلاٰ عَلٰٓی اَنْفُسِكُمْ اَنْ تَأْكُلُوا مِنْ بُیُوتِكُمْ اَوْ بُیُوتِ ءاٰبآٰئِكُمْ اَوْ بُیُوتِ اُمَّهاٰتِكُمْ اَوْ بُیُوتِ اِخْواٰنِكُمْ اَوْ بُیُوتِ اَخَواٰتِكُمْ اَوْ بُیُوتِ اَعْماٰمِكُمْ اَوْ بُیُوتِ عَمّاٰتِكُمْ اَوْ بُیُوتِ اَخْواٰلِكُمْ اَوْ بُیُوتِ خاٰلاٰتِكُمْ اَوْ ماٰ مَلَكْتُمْ مَفاٰتِحَهُۥٓ اَوْ صَدٖیقِكُمْۚ لَیْسَ عَلَیْكُمْ جُناٰحٌ اَنْ تَأْكُلُوا جَمٖیعًا اَوْ اَشْتاٰتًاۚ فَاِذاٰ دَخَلْتُمْ بُیُوتًا فَسَلِّمُوا عَلٰٓی اَنْفُسِكُمْ تَحِیَّةً مِنْ عِنْدِ اللّٰهِ مُباٰرَكَةً طَیِّبَةًۚ كَذٰلِكَ یُبَیِّنُ اللّٰهُ لَكُمُ الْءاٰیاٰتِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ۝٦١۝اِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ الَّذٖینَ ءاٰمَنُوا بِاللّٰهِ وَرَسُولِهٖ وَاِذاٰ كاٰنُوا مَعَهُۥ عَلٰٓی اَمْرٍ جاٰمِعٍ لَمْ یَذْهَبُوا حَتّٰی یَسْتَأْذِنُوهُۚ اِنَّ الَّذٖینَ یَسْتَأْذِنُونَكَ اُولٰٓئِكَ الَّذٖینَ یُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللّٰهِ وَرَسُولِهٖۚ فَاِذَا اسْتَأْذَنُوكَ لِبَعْضِ شَأْنِهِمْ فَأْذَنْ لِمَنْ شِئْتَ مِنْهُمْ وَاسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُمُ اللّٰهَۚ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ غَفُورٌ رَحٖیمٌ۝٦٢۝لاٰ تَجْعَلُوا دُعآٰءَ الرَّسُولِ بَیْنَكُمْ كَدُعآٰءِ بَعْضِكُمْ بَعْضًاۚ قَدْ یَعْلَمُ اللّٰهُ الَّذٖینَ یَتَسَلَّلُونَ مِنْكُمْ لِواٰذًاۚ فَلْیَحْذَرِ الَّذٖینَ یُخاٰلِفُونَ عَنْ اَمْرِهٖٓ اَنْ تُصٖیبَهُمْ فِتْنَةٌ اَوْ یُصٖیبَهُمْ عَذاٰبٌ اَلٖیمٌ۝٦٣۝اَلآٰ اِنَّ لِلّٰهِ ماٰ فِی السَّمٰواٰتِ وَالْاَرْضِۖ قَدْ یَعْلَمُ مآٰ اَنْتُمْ عَلَیْهِ وَیَوْمَ یُرْجَعُونَ اِلَیْهِ فَیُنَبِّئُهُمْ بِماٰ عَمِلُواۗ وَاللّٰهُ بِكُلِّ شَیْءٍ عَلٖیمٌ۝٦٤۝سُورَةُ الْفُرْقاٰنِالمكية77بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحٖیمِتَباٰرَكَ الَّذٖی نَزَّلَ الْفُرْقاٰنَ عَلٰی عَبْدِهٖ لِیَكُونَ لِلْعاٰلَمٖینَ نَذٖیرًا۝١۝ٱَلَّذٖی لَهُۥ مُلْكُ السَّمٰواٰتِ وَالْاَرْضِ وَلَمْ یَتَّخِذْ وَلَدًا وَلَمْ یَكُنْ لَهُۥ شَرٖیكٌ فِی الْمُلْكِ وَخَلَقَ كُلَّ شَیْءٍ فَقَدَّرَهُۥ تَقْدٖیرًا۝٢۝وَاتَّخَذُوا مِنْ دُونِهٖٓ ءاٰلِهَةً لاٰ یَخْلُقُونَ شَیْئًا وَهُمْ یُخْلَقُونَ وَلاٰ یَمْلِكُونَ لِاَنْفُسِهِمْ ضَرًّا وَلاٰ نَفْعًا وَلاٰ یَمْلِكُونَ مَوْتًا وَلاٰ حَیٰوةً وَلاٰ نُشُورًا۝٣۝وَقاٰلَ الَّذٖینَ كَفَرُوٓا اِنْ هٰذآٰ اِلّآٰ اِفْكُ افْتَرٰىهُ وَاَعاٰنَهُۥ عَلَیْهِ قَوْمٌ ءاٰخَرُونَۖ فَقَدْ جآٰءُوا ظُلْمًا وَزُورًا۝٤۝وَقاٰلُوٓا اَساٰطٖیرُ الْاَوَّلٖینَ اكْتَتَبَهاٰ فَهِیَ تُمْلٰی عَلَیْهِ بُكْرَةً وَاَصٖیلًا۝٥۝قُلْ اَنْزَلَهُ الَّذٖی یَعْلَمُ السِّرَّ فِی السَّمٰواٰتِ وَالْاَرْضِۚ اِنَّهُۥ كاٰنَ غَفُورًا رَحٖیمًا۝٦۝وَقاٰلُوا ماٰلِ هٰذَا الرَّسُولِ یَأْكُلُ الطَّعاٰمَ وَیَمْشٖی فِی الْاَسْواٰقِ لَوْلآٰ اُنْزِلَ اِلَیْهِ مَلَكٌ فَیَكُونَ مَعَهُۥ نَذٖیرًا۝٧۝اَوْ یُلْقٰٓی اِلَیْهِ كَنْزٌ اَوْ تَكُونُ لَهُۥ جَنَّةٌ یَأْكُلُ مِنْهاٰۚ وَقاٰلَ الظّاٰلِمُونَ اِنْ تَتَّبِعُونَ اِلّاٰ رَجُلًا مَسْحُورًا۝٨۝ٱُنْظُرْ كَیْفَ ضَرَبُوا لَكَ الْاَمْثاٰلَ فَضَلُّوا فَلاٰ یَسْتَطٖیعُونَ سَبٖیلًا۝٩۝تَباٰرَكَ الَّذٖیٓ اِنْ شآٰءَ جَعَلَ لَكَ خَیْرًا مِنْ ذٰلِكَ جَنّاٰتٍ تَجْرٖی مِنْ تَحْتِهَا الْاَنْهاٰرُ وَیَجْعَلْ لَكَ قُصُورًا۝١٠۝بَلْ كَذَّبُوا بِالسّاٰعَةِۖ وَاَعْتَدْناٰ لِمَنْ كَذَّبَ بِالسّاٰعَةِ سَعٖیرًا۝١١۝اِذاٰ رَاَتْهُمْ مِنْ مَكاٰنٍ بَعٖیدٍ سَمِعُوا لَهاٰ تَغَیُّظًا وَزَفٖیرًا۝١٢۝وَاِذآٰ اُلْقُوا مِنْهاٰ مَكاٰنًا ضَیِّقًا مُقَرَّنٖینَ دَعَوْا هُناٰلِكَ ثُبُورًا۝١٣۝لاٰ تَدْعُوا الْیَوْمَ ثُبُورًا واٰحِدًا وَادْعُوا ثُبُورًا كَثٖیرًا۝١٤۝قُلْ اَذٰلِكَ خَیْرٌ اَمْ جَنَّةُ الْخُلْدِ الَّتٖی وُعِدَ الْمُتَّقُونَۚ كاٰنَتْ لَهُمْ جَزآٰءً وَمَصٖیرًا۝١٥۝لَهُمْ فٖیهاٰ ماٰ یَشآٰءُونَ خاٰلِدٖینَۚ كاٰنَ عَلٰی رَبِّكَ وَعْدًا مَسْـئُولًا۝١٦۝وَیَوْمَ یَحْشُرُهُمْ وَماٰ یَعْبُدُونَ مِنْ دُونِ اللّٰهِ فَیَقُولُ ءَاَنْتُمْ اَضْلَلْتُمْ عِباٰدٖی هٰٓؤُلآٰءِ اَمْ هُمْ ضَلُّوا السَّبٖیلَ۝١٧۝قاٰلُوا سُبْحاٰنَكَ ماٰ كاٰنَ یَنْبَغٖی لَنآٰ اَنْ نَتَّخِذَ مِنْ دُونِكَ مِنْ اَوْلِیآٰءَ وَلٰكِنْ مَتَّعْتَهُمْ وَءاٰبآٰءَهُمْ حَتّٰی نَسُوا الذِّكْرَ وَكاٰنُوا قَوْمًا بُورًا۝١٨۝فَقَدْ كَذَّبُوكُمْ بِماٰ تَقُولُونَ فَماٰ تَسْتَطٖیعُونَ صَرْفًا وَلاٰ نَصْرًاۚ وَمَنْ یَظْلِمْ مِنْكُمْ نُذِقْهُ عَذاٰبًا كَبٖیرًا۝١٩۝وَمآٰ اَرْسَلْناٰ قَبْلَكَ مِنَ الْمُرْسَلٖینَ اِلّآٰ اِنَّهُمْ لَیَأْكُلُونَ الطَّعاٰمَ وَیَمْشُونَ فِی الْاَسْواٰقِۗ وَجَعَلْناٰ بَعْضَكُمْ لِبَعْضٍ فِتْنَةً اَتَصْبِرُونَۗ وَكاٰنَ رَبُّكَ بَصٖیرًا۝٢٠۝

They swear by Allah with solemn oaths that if you order them they will surely march out. Say, ‘Do not swear! Honourable obedience [is all that is expected of you]. Allah is indeed well aware of what you do.’ ﴾53﴿Say, ‘Obey Allah, and obey the Apostle.’ But if you turn your backs, [you should know that] he is only responsible for his burden and you are responsible for your own burden, and if you obey him, you will be guided, and the Apostle’s duty is only to communicate in clear terms. ﴾54﴿Allah has promised those of you who have faith and do righteous deeds that He will surely make them successors in the earth, just as He made those who were before them successors, and He will surely establish for them their religion which He has approved for them, and that He will surely change their state to security after their fear, while they worship Me, not ascribing any partners to Me. Whoever is ungrateful after that—it is they who are the transgressors. ﴾55﴿Maintain the prayer and give the zakat, and obey the Apostle so that you may receive [Allah’s] mercy. ﴾56﴿Do not suppose that those who are faithless can frustrate [Allah] on the earth. Their refuge shall be the Fire, and it is surely an evil destination. ﴾57﴿O you who have faith! Your slaves and any of you who have not yet reached puberty should seek your permission three times: before the dawn prayer, and when you put off your garments at noon, and after the night prayer. These are three times of privacy for you. Apart from these, it is not sinful of you or them to frequent one another [freely]. Thus does Allah clarify the signs for you, and Allah is all-knowing, all-wise. ﴾58﴿When your children reach puberty, let them ask permission [at all times] just as those [who grew up] before them asked permission. Thus does Allah clarify His signs for you, and Allah is all-knowing, all-wise. ﴾59﴿As for women advanced in years who do not expect to marry, there will be no sin upon them if they put off their cloaks, without displaying their adornment. But it is better for them to be modest, and Allah is all-hearing, all-knowing. ﴾60﴿There is no blame upon the blind, nor any blame upon the lame, nor any blame upon the sick, nor upon yourselves if you eat from your own houses, or your fathers’ houses, or your mothers’ houses, or your brothers’ houses, or your sisters’ houses, or the houses of your paternal uncles, or the houses of your paternal aunts, or the houses of your maternal uncles, or the houses of your maternal aunts, or those whose keys are in your possession, or those of your friends. There will be no blame on you whether you eat together or separately. So when you enter houses, greet yourselves with a salutation from Allah, blessed and good. Thus does Allah clarify His signs for you so that you may exercise your reason. ﴾61﴿Indeed the faithful are those who have faith in Allah and His Apostle, and when they are with him in a collective affair, they do not leave until they have sought his permission. Indeed those who seek your permission are those who have faith in Allah and His Apostle. So when they seek your permission for some of theirs [private] work, give permission to whomever of them you wish and plead with Allah to forgive them. Indeed Allah is all-forgiving, all-merciful. ﴾62﴿Do not consider the Apostle’s summons amongst you to be like your summoning one another. Allah certainly knows those of you who slip away shielding one another. Those who disobey his orders should beware lest an affliction should visit them or a painful punishment should befall them. ﴾63﴿Behold! To Allah indeed belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. He certainly knows your present state. The day they are brought back to Him He will inform them about what they have done, and Allah has knowledge of all things. ﴾64﴿Surah Al-FurqanMakiha77In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.Blessed is He who sent down the Criterion to His servant that he may be a warner to all the nations. ﴾1﴿He, to whom belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and who did not take any offspring, nor has He any partner in sovereignty, and He created everything and determined it in a precise measure. ﴾2﴿Yet they have taken gods besides Him who create nothing and have themselves been created, and who have no control over their own harm or benefit and have no control over [their own] death, life, or resurrection. ﴾3﴿The faithless say, ‘This is nothing but a lie that he has fabricated, and other people have abetted him in it.’ Thus they have certainly come out with wrongdoing and falsehood. ﴾4﴿They say, ‘He has taken down myths of the ancients, and they are dictated to him morning and evening.’ ﴾5﴿Say, ‘It has been sent down by Him who knows the hidden in the heavens and the earth. Indeed He is all-forgiving, all-merciful.’ ﴾6﴿And they say, ‘What sort of apostle is this who eats food and walks in the marketplaces? Why has not an angel been sent down to him so as to be a warner along with him?’ ﴾7﴿Or, ‘[Why is not] a treasure thrown to him, or [why does] he [not] have a garden from which he may eat?’ And the wrongdoers say, ‘You are just following a bewitched man.’ ﴾8﴿Look, how they coin epithets for you; so they go astray, and cannot find the way. ﴾9﴿Blessed is He who will grant you better than that if He wishes—gardens with streams running in them, and He will make for you palaces. ﴾10﴿Indeed, they deny the Hour, and We have prepared a Blaze for those who deny the Hour. ﴾11﴿When it sights them from a distant place, they will hear it raging and roaring. ﴾12﴿And when they are cast into a narrow place in it, bound together [in chains], they will pray for [their own] annihilation. ﴾13﴿[They will be told:] ‘Do not pray for a single annihilation today, but pray for many annihilations!’ ﴾14﴿Say, ‘Is that better, or the everlasting paradise promised to the Godwary, which will be their reward and destination?’ ﴾15﴿There they will have whatever they wish, abiding [forever]—a promise [much] besought, [binding] on your Lord. ﴾16﴿On the day that He will muster them and those whom they worship besides Allah, He will say, ‘Was it you who led astray these servants of Mine, or did they themselves stray from the way?’ ﴾17﴿They will say, ‘Immaculate are You! It does not behoove us to take any wali in Your stead! But You provided for them and their fathers until they forgot the Reminder, and they were a ruined lot.’ ﴾18﴿So they will certainly impugn you in what you say, and you will neither be able to circumvent [punishment] nor find help, and whoever of you does wrong, We shall make him taste a terrible punishment. ﴾19﴿We did not send any apostles before you but that they indeed ate food and walked in marketplaces. We have made you a [means of] test for one another, [to see] if you will be patient and steadfast, and your Lord is all-seeing. ﴾20﴿

신성한 꾸란 Surah, Juz , Hizb 목록에 액세스

성 신성한 꾸란 Juz와 Hizb의 수에 관해 제기된 질문에 대해 우리는 다음을 발표해야 합니다.
The text of the Holy Quran is unchangeable, 없지만 일부 국가에서는 공통 구분과 다른 구분이 있으므로 이러한 국가에서는 Juz 또는 Hizb의 수가 이 사이트에서 사용할 수 있는 Juz 또는 Hizb의 수와 다릅니다.

  1. 이 사이트에서 제공하는 신성한 꾸란에는 30 Juz' 들어 있습니다.
  2. 이 사이트에서 제공하는 신성한 꾸란에는 120 Hizb 들어 있습니다.
  3. 사이트에서 사용할 수 있는 신성한 꾸란 의 기본 글꼴은 Rojat.com의 개발 팀에서 디자인했습니다.
  4. ʾIʿrab 및 묵음 편지와 함께 꾸란의 텍스트는 파트너 사이트 중 하나에서 준비되었으며, 이 사이트의 존경받는 팀의 동의를 얻은 후 소스 링크를 게시할 것입니다.
  • 정렬 기준:

  • Surah
  • Juz
  • Hizb
1Hizb 12Hizb 23Hizb 34Hizb 45Hizb 56Hizb 67Hizb 78Hizb 89Hizb 910Hizb 1011Hizb 1112Hizb 1213Hizb 1314Hizb 1415Hizb 1516Hizb 1617Hizb 1718Hizb 1819Hizb 1920Hizb 2021Hizb 2122Hizb 2223Hizb 2324Hizb 2425Hizb 2526Hizb 2627Hizb 2728Hizb 2829Hizb 2930Hizb 3031Hizb 3132Hizb 3233Hizb 3334Hizb 3435Hizb 3536Hizb 3637Hizb 3738Hizb 3839Hizb 3940Hizb 4041Hizb 4142Hizb 4243Hizb 4344Hizb 4445Hizb 4546Hizb 4647Hizb 4748Hizb 4849Hizb 4950Hizb 5051Hizb 5152Hizb 5253Hizb 5354Hizb 5455Hizb 5556Hizb 5657Hizb 5758Hizb 5859Hizb 5960Hizb 6061Hizb 6162Hizb 6263Hizb 6364Hizb 6465Hizb 6566Hizb 6667Hizb 6768Hizb 6869Hizb 6970Hizb 7071Hizb 7172Hizb 7273Hizb 7374Hizb 7475Hizb 7576Hizb 7677Hizb 7778Hizb 7879Hizb 7980Hizb 8081Hizb 8182Hizb 8283Hizb 8384Hizb 8485Hizb 8586Hizb 8687Hizb 8788Hizb 8889Hizb 8990Hizb 9091Hizb 9192Hizb 9293Hizb 9394Hizb 9495Hizb 9596Hizb 9697Hizb 9798Hizb 9899Hizb 99100Hizb 100101Hizb 101102Hizb 102103Hizb 103104Hizb 104105Hizb 105106Hizb 106107Hizb 107108Hizb 108109Hizb 109110Hizb 110111Hizb 111112Hizb 112113Hizb 113114Hizb 114115Hizb 115116Hizb 116117Hizb 117118Hizb 118119Hizb 119120Hizb 120