Islamic compass(Qibla Finder) for Bahamas - Nassau

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Islamischer Qibla-Kompass basierend auf: Bahamas>Nassau

The qibla angle of the city of Nassau in Bahamas is 58.3° Turn clockwise from north rotation or 31.7° Turn counterclockwise from east rotation. The distance between the city of Nassau and the Kaaba is 11494.4 km.
Important note: In the qibla of the view below, if we place N facing north. The direction that the red arrow shows is the direction of the Kaaba (qibla).

58.3° Turn clockwise from north31.7° Turn counterclockwise from eastDistance to Kaaba:11494.4 km

The angle you see the Kaaba while salah(praying)

You see the Kaaba from this angle while salah(praying).
