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سُورَةُ التَّحْرٖیمِالمدنية12بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحٖیمِیآٰ اَیُّهَا النَّبِیُّ لِمَ تُحَرِّمُ مآٰ اَحَلَّ اللّٰهُ لَكَۖ تَبْتَغٖی مَرْضاٰتَ اَزْواٰجِكَۚ وَاللّٰهُ غَفُورٌ رَحٖیمٌ۝١۝قَدْ فَرَضَ اللّٰهُ لَكُمْ تَحِلَّةَ اَیْماٰنِكُمْۚ وَاللّٰهُ مَوْلٰىكُمْۖ وَهُوَ الْعَلٖیمُ الْحَكٖیمُ۝٢۝وَاِذْ اَسَرَّ النَّبِیُّ اِلٰی بَعْضِ اَزْواٰجِهٖ حَدٖیثًا فَلَمّاٰ نَبَّاَتْ بِهٖ وَاَظْهَرَهُ اللّٰهُ عَلَیْهِ عَرَّفَ بَعْضَهُۥ وَاَعْرَضَ عَنْ بَعْضٍۖ فَلَمّاٰ نَبَّاَهاٰ بِهٖ قاٰلَتْ مَنْ اَنْبَاَكَ هٰذاٰۖ قاٰلَ نَبَّاَنِیَ الْعَلٖیمُ الْخَبٖیرُ۝٣۝اِنْ تَتُوبآٰ اِلَی اللّٰهِ فَقَدْ صَغَتْ قُلُوبُكُماٰۖ وَاِنْ تَظاٰهَراٰ عَلَیْهِ فَاِنَّ اللّٰهَ هُوَ مَوْلٰىهُ وَجِبْرٖیلُ وَصاٰلِحُ الْمُؤْمِنٖینَۖ وَالْمَلآٰئِكَةُ بَعْدَ ذٰلِكَ ظَهٖیرٌ۝٤۝عَسٰی رَبُّهُۥٓ اِنْ طَلَّقَكُنَّ اَنْ یُبْدِلَهُۥٓ اَزْواٰجًا خَیْرًا مِنْكُنَّ مُسْلِماٰتٍ مُؤْمِناٰتٍ قاٰنِتاٰتٍ تآٰئِباٰتٍ عاٰبِداٰتٍ سآٰئِحاٰتٍ ثَیِّباٰتٍ وَاَبْكاٰرًا۝٥۝یآٰ اَیُّهَا الَّذٖینَ ءاٰمَنُوا قُوٓا اَنْفُسَكُمْ وَاَهْلٖیكُمْ ناٰرًا وَقُودُهَا النّاٰسُ وَالْحِجاٰرَةُ عَلَیْهاٰ مَلآٰئِكَةٌ غِلاٰظٌ شِداٰدٌ لاٰ یَعْصُونَ اللّٰهَ مآٰ اَمَرَهُمْ وَیَفْعَلُونَ ماٰ یُؤْمَرُونَ۝٦۝

Surah At-TahrimMadineh12In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.O Prophet! Why do you disallow [yourself] what Allah has made lawful for you, seeking to please your wives? And Allah is all-forgiving, all-merciful. ﴾1﴿Allah has certainly made lawful for you the dissolution of your oaths, and Allah is your master and He is the All-knowing, the All-wise. ﴾2﴿When the Prophet confided a matter to one of his wives, but when she divulged it [instead of guarding the secret] and Allah apprised him about it, he acquainted [her] with part of the matter and ignored part of it. So when he told her about it, she said, ‘Who informed you about it?’ He said, ‘The All-knowing and the All-aware has informed me.’ ﴾3﴿If the two of you repent to Allah... for your hearts have certainly swerved, and if you back each other against him, then [know that] Allah is indeed his guardian, and his supporters are Gabriel, the righteous among the faithful and, thereafter, the angels. ﴾4﴿It may be that if he divorces you his Lord will give him, in [your] stead, wives better than you: [such as are] muslim, faithful, obedient, penitent, devout and given to fasting, virgins and non-virgins. ﴾5﴿O you who have faith! Save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel will be people and stones, over which are [assigned] severe and mighty angels, who do not disobey whatever Allah commands them and carry out what they are commanded. ﴾6﴿

访问神圣的《古兰经》的 Surah、Juz 和 Hizb 列表。

关于神圣的《古兰经》的 Juz 和 Hizb 数量的问题,我们必须宣布:
神圣的《古兰经》的文本是不可改变的,但在某些国家,它们的划分与通用划分不同,因此在这些国家,Juz 或 Hizb 的数量与本网站上提供的 Juz 或 Hizb 数量不同。

  1. 该网站上提供的《古兰经》有 30 Juz。
  2. 该网站上提供的《古兰经》有 120 Hizb。
  3. 网站上可用的《古兰经》的默认字体由 的开发团队设计。
  4. 《古兰经》的文本以及ʾIʿrab 和无声字母是由其中一个合作网站准备的,在获得该网站尊敬的团队的同意后,将放置源链接。
  • 排序依据:

  • Surah
  • Juz
  • Hizb