Request from all person
Help save the children, women and men of Yemeni and Palestine.
Please help by publishing your photos and writings in any way to break the siege and help the oppressed people of these two countries.





1 Muharram

  1. The first day of the Hijri year
  2. Command of the Rasoolullah Hazrat Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his progeny) to receive Zakat (9 AH)

2 Muharram

  1. Arrival of the caravan of Aba Abdullah Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) to Karbala (61 AH)

3 Muharram

4 Muharram

  1. The martyrdom of Qays b. Mus-hir al-Saydawi (61 AH)

5 Muharram

6 Muharram

  1. The first siege of the Euphrates in Karbala (61 AH)
  2. Habib b. Muzahir al-Asadi Requested for help from Banu Asad (61 AH)
  3. Conversation of Umar b. Sa'd with Aba Abdullah Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) (61 AH)

7 Muharram

  1. Closing the water on the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon him) (61 AH)

8 Muharram

  1. Aba Abdullah Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) met with Umar b. Sa'd (61 AH)
  2. Water famine in Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) tents (61 AH)

9 Muharram

  1. Tasu'a
  2. Umar ibn Sa'd command the attack on tents am Aba Abdullah Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) (61 AH)
  3. Sermon of Aba Abdullah Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) for all companions (61 AH)
  4. Remarks of Aba Abdullah Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) on the night of Ashura' (61 AH)
  5. Conversation of Hazrat Zaynab Kobra, peace be upon her, with Hazrat Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) (61 AH)
  6. Hazrat Al-'Abbas peace be upon him rejects to accept the enemy's safe conduct letter (61 AH)

10 Muharram

  1. The event of Ashura' in Karbala (61 AH)
  2. The oppressed martyrdom of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) {in the event of Ashura in Karbala} (61 AH)
  3. The martyrdom of Hazrat Abū l-Faḍl Al-'Abbas (peace be upon him) {in the event of Ashura in Karbala} (61 AH)
  4. Death of Umm Salama (62 AH)
  5. Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad get killed (67 AH)

11 Muharram

  1. The beginning of the movement of the captives and Ahl al-Bayt (family) of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) to Kufa and then to Sham (61 AH)
  2. Burial of the holy bodies of the martyrs of Karbala (61 AH) (According to a narration)

12 Muharram

  1. Arrival of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon him) in Kufa (61 AH)
  2. Anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Ali b. al-Husayn al-Sajjad (Peace be upon him)

13 Muharram

  1. Captives of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon him) in the palace of ibn Ziyad (61 AH)
  2. Martyrdom of 'Abd Allah b. 'Afif al-Azdi (61 AH)
  3. Burial of the holy bodies of the martyrs of Karbala (61 AH) (According to a narration)

14 Muharram

15 Muharram

16 Muharram

17 Muharram

18 Muharram

19 Muharram

  1. Moving the captives of Karbala from Kufa toward Syria (61 AH)

20 Muharram

  1. Burial of the body of Jawn Ibn Huway, servant of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) and one of the martyrs of Karbala (61 AH)

21 Muharram

22 Muharram

  1. The arrival of Hazrat Amir al-Mu'minin Imam Ali (peace be upon him) in Safin (37 AH)

23 Muharram

24 Muharram

25 Muharram

26 Muharram

27 Muharram

28 Muharram

  1. The arrival of the prisoners of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) in Baalbek (61 AH)
  2. Arrival of Imam Muhammad b. Ali al-Jawad (peace be upon him) to Baghdad (220 AH)

29 Muharram

  1. Arrival of the caravan of prisoners of Karbala around Sham (61 AH)

30 Muharram




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