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博客 - Hazrat Abu l-Fadl Al-'Abbas ibn Ali (peace be upon him)

博客 - Hazrat Abu l-Fadl Al-'Abbas ibn Ali (peace be upon him)

Ziyarat Ashura
Ziyarat Ashura

Ziyara Ashura (Arabic:زيارة عاشوراء) is for the ziyara of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) and other martyrs of Karbala on the day of Ashura. this Ziyaratnameh is a Qudsi Hadith and it was narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (peace be upon him). the document of this ziyara has been considered correct and does not need to be checked. ziyara Ashura is one of the ziyaras that are recommended in the sireh and speech of the...
