وَماٰ مِنْ دآٰبَّةٍ فِ
There is no animal on the earth, but that its sustenance lies with Allah, and He knows its [enduring] abode and its temporary place of lodging. Everything is in a manifest Book. ﴾6﴿It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days—and His Throne was [then] upon the waters—that He may test you [to see] which of you is best in conduct. Yet if you say, ‘You will indeed be raised up after death,’ the faithless will surely say, ‘This is nothing but plain magic.’ ﴾7﴿And if We defer their punishment until a certain time, they will surely say, ‘What holds it back?’ Look! On the day it overtakes them it shall not be turned away from them, and they will be besieged by what they used to deride. ﴾8﴿If We let man taste a mercy from Us, and then withdraw it from him, he becomes despondent, ungrateful. ﴾9﴿And if We let him have a taste of Our blessings after adversities have befallen him, he will surely say, ‘All ills have left me.’ Indeed, he becomes a vain braggart, ﴾10﴿excepting those who are patient and do righteous deeds. For such there will be forgiveness and a great reward. ﴾11﴿[Look out] lest you should disregard aught of what has been revealed to you, and be upset because they say, ‘Why has not a treasure been sent down to him, or [why does] not an angel accompany him?’ You are only a warner, and Allah watches over all things. ﴾12﴿Do they say, ‘He has fabricated it?’ Say, ‘Then bring ten surahs like it, fabricated, and invoke whomever you can, besides Allah, should you be truthful.’ ﴾13﴿But if they do not respond to you, know that it has been sent down by Allah’s knowledge, and that there is no god except Him. Will you, then, submit [to Allah]? ﴾14﴿As for those who desire the life of this world and its glitter, We will recompense them fully for their works therein, and they shall not be underpaid in it. ﴾15﴿They are the ones for whom there shall be nothing in the Hereafter but Fire: what they had accomplished in the world has failed, and their works have come to naught. ﴾16﴿Is he who stands on a manifest proof from his Lord, and whom a witness of his own [family] follows? And before him there was the Book of Moses, a guide and mercy. It is they who have faith in it, and whoever defies him from among the factions, the Fire is their tryst. So do not be in doubt about it; it is the truth from your Lord, but most people do not have faith. ﴾17﴿Who is a greater wrongdoer than him who fabricates a lie against Allah? Such shall be presented before their Lord, and the witnesses will say, ‘It is these who lied against their Lord.’ Behold! The curse of Allah is upon the wrongdoers ﴾18﴿—those who bar [others] from the way of Allah, and seek to make it crooked, and disbelieve in the Hereafter. ﴾19﴿They cannot frustrate [Allah] on the earth, nor do they have besides Allah any guardian. For them the punishment shall be doubled, for they could neither listen, nor did they use to see. ﴾20﴿They are the ones who have ruined their souls, and what they used to fabricate has forsaken them. ﴾21﴿Undoubtedly, they are the ones who will be the biggest losers in the Hereafter. ﴾22﴿Indeed those who have faith and do righteous deeds and are humble before their Lord—they shall be the inhabitants of paradise, and they shall remain in it [forever]. ﴾23﴿The parable of the two parties is that of one who is blind and deaf and one who sees and hears. Are they equal in comparison? Will you not then take admonition? ﴾24﴿Certainly We sent Noah to his people [to declare]: ‘Indeed I am a manifest warner to you. ﴾25﴿Worship none but Allah. Indeed I fear for you the punishment of a painful day.’ ﴾26﴿But the elite of the faithless from among his people said, ‘We do not see you to be anything but a human being like ourselves, and we do not see anyone following you except those who are simpleminded riffraff from our midst. Nor do we see that you have any merit over us. Indeed, we consider you to be liars.’ ﴾27﴿He said, ‘O my people! Tell me, should I stand on a manifest proof from my Lord, and He has granted me His own mercy—though it should be invisible to you—shall we force it upon you while you are averse to it? ﴾28﴿O my people! I do not ask you any material reward for it. My reward lies only with Allah. But I will not drive away those who have faith: they will indeed encounter their Lord. But I see that you are an ignorant lot. ﴾29﴿O my people! Who would come to my help against Allah were I to drive them away? Will you not then take admonition? ﴾30﴿I do not say to you that I possess the treasuries of Allah, neither do I know the Unseen. I do not claim to be an angel, neither do I say of those who are despicable in your eyes that Allah will not grant them any good—Allah knows best what is in their hearts—for then I would indeed be a wrongdoer.’ ﴾31﴿They said, ‘O Noah, you have disputed with us already, and you have disputed with us exceedingly. Now bring us what you threaten us with, should you be truthful. ﴾32﴿He said, ‘Allah will indeed bring it on you if He wishes, and you cannot frustrate [Him]. ﴾33﴿My exhorting will not benefit you, much as I may seek to exhort you, if Allah desires to consign you to perversity. He is your Lord, and to Him you shall be brought back.’ ﴾34﴿Do they say, ‘He has fabricated it?’ Say, ‘Should I have fabricated it, then my guilt will be upon me, and I am absolved of your guilty conduct.’ ﴾35﴿It was revealed to Noah: ‘None of your people will believe except those who already have faith; so do not sorrow for what they used to do. ﴾36﴿Build the ark before Our eyes and by Our revelation, and do not plead with Me for those who are wrongdoers: they shall indeed be drowned.’ ﴾37﴿As he was building the ark, whenever the elders of his people passed by him, they would ridicule him. He said, ‘If you ridicule us [today], we shall ridicule you [tomorrow] just as you ridicule us [now]. ﴾38﴿Soon you will know whom a disgraceful punishment will overtake and on whom a lasting punishment will descend.’ ﴾39﴿When Our edict came and the oven gushed [a stream of water], We said, ‘Carry in it a pair of every kind [of animal], along with your family—except those [of them] against whom the edict has already been given—and those who have faith.’ And none believed with him except a few. ﴾40﴿
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نص القرآن الكريم غير قابل للتغيير، ولكن في بعض البلدان لديهم تقسيم مختلف عن التقسيم الشائع، ففي هذه البلدان يختلف عدد الجزء أو الحزب عن عدد الجزء أو الحزب المتوفر على هذا الموقع.